Chapt 56 ✦ Old wounds

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We walk inside to all of our friends and his family. Decorations are everywhere and my favorite foods, snacks and presents.

"Guys. Thank you so much!" I smile, trying to hold back tears. Everyone starts eating and talking.  Axel's mother walks up to me, grabbing my hand.

"Okay, I had to make sure I didn't need to slap him." Axel looks offended as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. "I know how to shop for women, Mama." She laughs hysterically.

"This coming from the man who bought me a shoe phone holder." He goes to answer his phone after he points at his mom.

"And you loved it." He smiles, excusing himself. Nathan punches himself, immediately getting my attention. "Ow." I grunt, heading over to him and Marina.

"That hurt." I slap his arm lightly. "You'll be alright. I'm so happy for you Nora." I smile, giving him a hug.

"Thank you."

"I'm so happy for you too. Let me see." Marina grabs my hand inspecting the ring. "Woah. It's"

"Huge. I know. I feel like I have weights on my hand." We both laugh together as the rest of the girls walk up, taking a look.

"And your outfit totally goes with the THEME!" Leila squeals and we all laugh. "I really had no idea."

"Yeah we know." Mariana laughs, "I set this whole thing up. With the help of your Fiancé's card. That's where I've been all day." I truly am an air bubble.

"Wow. Yeah I was pretty clueless." We laugh a little, still looking at the ring.

"I'm glad there's three of us, we have fighting odds against them." Angelina voice beams from behind me.

"Hiiii!" I turn around and she hugs me. "I missed you." I quip pulling back from her. Sometimes I forget she's younger than us by how beautiful she is.

Her curls flow down her back, she looks like the dress she put on was not her choice yet she still looks amazing.

"I'm guessing not your choice." She groans to my statement before pointing to Alec. "He forced me." She walks away heading over to Axel as I turn to Rosalina and Arya.

"Welcome to the family." Rosalina kisses my cheek. "Yeah. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!" Arya screams bringing everyone to laughter.

"Thank you Arya." I bend down, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Nora." I pause at the familiar voice before turning around.

"Mom?" I stop short and she takes a breath. "Do you have somewhere we could talk?" She asks politely, I'm caught off guard more so by the fact that she's actually here. Present.

"Just you and me?" I ask, my father cuts in. "No. All four of us." He turns to Nathan and he walks over, standing next to me.

I turn to Nathan to see if he wants to and he nods slightly. "Yeah. We can step outside." I release, mentally preparing myself for whatever is coming.

How'd they get here? When did they get here?

We make it outside, the moon is higher, no sign of the sun left. "We'll address the both of you before I take you to the side." My mother speaks first, holding her hands clasped together in front of her.

"We have not been the best parents for the both of you. Me with you and Your father with your brother." She takes a moment to breathe.

"I want to apologize for how I've acted toward you, your entire childhood. And your father for you. The truth is I never had a good relationship with my mother so I guess I just treated you, how she treated me, the same with your Father." She grabs my hands, pulling me to the side.

"I should've been there more instead of pushing you away." This is the second time I've been speechless today.

"Oh. Um it's okay."

"It's not and you only think it is because this isn't something I'd normally say to you. But I love you Nora. You are my child, my little girl and I'm so sorry that I haven't been acting like your mother. I'm sorry for always putting your brother first. I'm-" I wrap my arms around her neck, squeezing tightly.

"You don't have to say anymore, Mom. Thank you." She kisses my cheek, squeezing me tighter.

"I'm not good at this but I'll try to be better." She tells me and I squeeze tighter. "Nora sweetheart, I'm pretty sure you're about to break my neck." I pull back, wiping tears away.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay and the person you should be thanking is Axel. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here." What? "He called you today?"

"No. We've been here all week. He paid for everything as well as ridicule us for the way we are treating both of you. He's a good guy and he makes you happy. I can see it all over your face." She rubs my arm, walking us back towards Nathan and our dad.

We head back inside to everyone's eating, drinking or dancing to music. I walk over to Alec and Axel. "It looks like you're stuck with us now." Alec brings a glass to his lips with a chuckle as Arya pulls him to the side.

Axel wraps his arm around me, I lean into him, wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you so much."

"For what?"

"My parents." I smile brightly and he nods. "You're welcome, now if I do recall you wanted to escape?" He keeps his head forward not making eye contact with me.

"Yes. I do remember saying that." I play along. "Where do you want to go?" I realize by his tone that he's suggesting where in the world would I want to go.

"Like the world?"

"Yes like the world, Angel. Wherever you want." I think for a moment, trying to process my answer. There's too many.

Tokyo, Paris, Barcelona, The DR, Jamaica, Mexico....

"I just want to go home. That's too much planning for me. How about I give you a list of cities or countries i've wanted to see and then you can just plan something?" He laughs, turning to me with the biggest smile on his face.

"You really trust me."

"With my life." I add, leaning up to give him a kiss. "Okay after this we'll go home and we'll stay there for a week. No training. No work. Just you and me." He look at me for confirmation in which I smile.



3 more left until it's over🥺 Sidenote, the watty awards come out in 2 days and my first story intoxicating is number 1 in childhoodfriendstolovers category.

I's is freaking out yall. I just want to be on the short list🙏🏾🙏🏾

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