Chapt 57 ✦ Bad News

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"You know I'm getting married next week right?" I duck avoiding his punch but slip up when he trips me. I fall onto my back, the sound loud enough to wake up a bear in hibernation across the world.

"Yes, I'm aware." Reaching out a hand, he helps me to my feet. "Yet you're beating me up." I comment as he laughs at me.

"What time does it start again?" He takes off his pads, "Its at 3 o'clock but you have to be there early." I had been planning for Guzman to walk me down the aisle along with my father but I wasn't sure how'd he take it.

"Why? You know I'm never early, For anything."

"Well how are you supposed to walk me down the aisle if you're late?" I ask, my head down, packing my bag so I don't have to see his reaction. "Excuse me?" I hear his shuffling pause. "How are you suppo-"

"I heard you the first time, red." I stand up, turning to him with my hands clasped in front of me. "You can't just drop a bomb like that." I nod, "Yes I can. I am basically another one of your daughters and I wouldn't be here without you. So get over it and I'll see you at 12." He holds the ropes for me to exit the ring.

"Whatever kid, you have your annual check up. Get that out the way so we can get back to work after the wedding. Proud of you." I turn back to him, smile across my face.

"Awe you're pro-"

"Get out Nora." I laugh as I make my way out of the gym. I know Axel was busy with Zach and Damien today. I open the car door, calling my doctor to see if she's available. To my surprise, she has an open spot available for me.

She's local so it only took me 20 minutes to get there. I walk inside the doctor's office, fill out my paperwork and wait. 15 minutes go by when she calls me back to her room. I sit on the bed, answering all of her questions.

"Omg you're getting married?!" She grabs my hand, analyzing my ring. "I am so happy for you." She raves and I smile brightly because this has been the happiest I've ever been. Without meeting Axel, I don't know where I'd be right now.

Definitely not this happy.

She examines me fully and then leaves for a while to get all of the results. I lean back onto the hospital bed, just thinking. My phone rings, I pick it up.


"Hey, we are going to the cafe later. Do you want to join?" Marina invites me, "Of course, just finishing my annual check up and then I'll be there." I hang up just as the doctor walks back in but her face looks different.

She's not as happy as she was a second ago. It makes my stomach drop immediately.

"When was your last fight Nora?"

"I want to say about a month and a half ago." She takes a seat on her chair, coming closer to me. "Did you take any vital hits? Such as hits to the stomach or to the rib o-"

" I was hit in the ribs and then my stomach...pretty hard, why? Is everything okay?" I sit up, getting concerned, I mean why would she be asking me these questions?

"Your body has healed nicely...however I was looking at a few of your results and only one seems to concern me." God, I hope I don't need surgery. I don't want the recovery time.

"Nora it looks like due to the injuries you got during your last match, I'm sorry but you can't have kids." My first reaction is to laugh. Which I did and then I just sit there.

Looks like Jane got something before she died.

"Do I have any options when it comes to child birth?" I don't even understand what it is I'm asking. I'm just opening my mouth at this point.

"Yes, there are a few. You have adoption or surrogacy." Great, so not only can I not get pregnant but the child won't even...

I can't do this right now.

"Thank you for the information. I have to be somewhere so I'll see you for our next check up." I clear my throat, the one that's currently burning from trying not to cry.

I can't go to the cafe like this but I also can't go home like this. What if Axel is home? Oh my god....Axel. I have to tell him but how do I do that?

How do I tell my future husband who loves family that the woman he wants to marry can't have children?

I grab my phone and can't seem to type due to the shaking of my hands and the tears blocking my vision.

So I call Marina instead, it rings twice before she answers. "Marina?" It comes out in a sob, "Hey. What's wrong?" Her words mind as well have been a bomb.

"I-I don't know what to do." It sounds like keys being jangled. "Get up, let's go." I hear in the background, as I stand in front of my car, hunched over in tears.

I'm finally happy. Finally happy and I can't even have kids. My tears feel like an ocean at this point.

I don't even notice when Marina and Leila are picking me up and hugging me. "Hey what's wrong?!" Marina hugs me, squeezing me tightly while Sienna and Leila are on the outside.

"I can't. I can't have kids." Leila looks as heartbroken as I feel. "Oh my god." She leans in hugging me as well as Sienna.

"I'm finally h-happy and I can't even. How am I supposed to tell Axel?" I sob harder, not sure what to do at this point.

I just want to wither away.

"Let's just get you home and we'll figure out the rest. Okay?" Marina got all of us in the car, Leila drove my car over to the house for me. I enter the house and thank god he's not home. I don't think I could face him.

But when I walk inside fully, looking around, I feel as if my heart is beating out of my chest with sadness, disappointment. So much so that I grab the first thing made out of glass and smash it.

Then something else.

Then something else.

Until all I hear is crashing around me because thats how I feel on the inside, like everything is fucking crashing around me so fast, I don't have enough time to catch it.

"GOD!" I throw glass across the room, I'm sure I've cut myself by now.



"IT'S OKAY! Call someone. I don't care who."

They mind as well be ghosts at this point. I can't hear or see anything but red. I want to destroy everything just like it is on the inside. Broken.

I'm broken.

My arm is bleeding from cuts I'm sure but that's not stopping me. I'm too busy in my own head, blaming myself. Blaming God. Blaming the universe. Everyone.

I finally get the man of my dreams and want to have a family but I can't because I'm broken.

It's not until I see blurs of other people entering the house that my breath slows down and I just stand there, idly moving. I hear whispering around me but nothing else until I hear the crunching of glass coming from behind them.

I turn to see Axel walking inside, looking around. "Angel? Fuck, what happened?" He walks up to me, cupping my face into his hands.

"I'm so sorry." I repeat at least 20 times. "Hey, it's okay. Whatever it is." He pulls me in for a hug and I sob and sob until I make myself fall out from lack of oxygen.


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