Chapt 47 ✦ Losing Control

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I'm ripped off Jane by one of the officials while I hear people screaming. I stand up, half out of breath and glance around. Cameras and gossip sites everywhere.

I really did it. I won. I sit on one knee catching my breath, my eyes find Jane, coughing up blood as she rolls over. The sight of her on the floor makes me laugh.

She pushes herself up, struggling to get herself up. The small smirk on my face grows but it stops when I see her grinning back.

As if this isn't her biggest concern.

"H-hey Nora." She coughs up more blood. "Y-ou seen Axel anywhere?" My heart stops and I look around to Zach and Damien doing the same thing. He was just here.

Where is he?

He wouldn't just leave.

"I- I told you what to do Nora. You failed and now he's going to pay for it." She laughs and my body moves faster than my brain. I punch her over and over, raising her up to me by her throat, "WHERE IS HE!" She laughs as I drop her harshly and stand up, looking around.



He's not gone. He was just here. Right in front of me.

I quickly get out the ring and as everyone is trying to congratulate me, I push through them. "What's wrong?" I think it's Guzman but I can't focus. Making my way to the group. "Where is he?!" I'm yelling, frantic even. The girls look around, confused.

"He was just here a minute ago." Marina responds and my breathing starts picking up. No. This isn't happening. "Come on." Damien grabs all of us and Zach meets us in the parking lot.

He holds up his bracelet, "Fuck!" I yell out of frustration. I run back to Guzman, grabbing my phone from him, dialing Rosalina.

"Hey, we saw the fig"


"I'm sorry?"

"He was just here and Jane. I think Jane has him." My hands are shaking, I don't know how to find him. I don't even know where she would take him.

"What's going on?" Alec has the phone now, "I don't know. He was just. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault Alec." The girls surround me, trying to calm me down while the boys are making phone calls.

I feel like my head is spinning and I can't focus on anything but someone hurting him.

"Listen to me. This is not your fault but if we are going to find him, I need you to breathe. We are in the car about 10 minutes out, stay with everyone. We'll find him." The line goes dead and I squeeze onto my phone so tight I'm sure it could burst from pure strength.

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