Chapt 21 ✦ Sleepover

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After a very quiet and awkward ride to his house, we finally get there. "I don't undersatnd why I'm here." I murmur as he sighs, putting the car in park.

"I mean you aren't even talking to me, so why am I here?" I ask with a very rude tone, dripping with both but sarcasm. He gets to the door still not talking.

I walk inside, taking my shoes off. He walks past me, shrugging off his jacket. "You are such a child." I murmur under my breath and he laughs. "I'm the child?" He questions,"Only a child would drink and then go outside by herself." He fumed. Ok, that makes some type of sense. "I was just hot." He runs his hands through his long black hair.

"I understand that but Nora you have to be more careful. You can't just go outside unprotected and tipsy." He says, walking off to the kitchen. I follow behind him closely. "I'm sorry." I smile innocently, watching as he bites his bottom lip, looking down at me.

"Stop that." He turns his head and I run to where is head is turned. "Stop what?" I provoke.

"You know what you are doing" He remarks with a laugh. "I have no idea what you are talking about" I smile brightly, acting clueless.

He opens the fridge and I stand behind it. "So does this mean I'm forgiven?" I ask with a cute voice and he huffs as he closes the fridge with a water botttle in his hand.

"Yes you are forgiven, Angel" He gives up and I place a kiss on his cheek. He hands me the bottle of water and I take a sip.

I sit on the counter and he stands in front of me. "Tell me what happened?" He steps further into me. "I mean everything was fine. We were just talking and then he started saying comments like I make people feel worthless and shit" I continue but as I keep talking, he places his hands firmly on my thighs making me lose focus.

"T-then he umm H-he"

"Why are you stuttering?" That question seems stupid from my perspective, my body is hot, I can't focus and he looks really good and I don't think I noticed until now.

Black shirt with some black pants, silver rings and bracelets on, the perfect bad boy imagine and he rocked it to a T. God. "Well, I can't focus when you are rubbing on my thighs and shit." I force out, ignoring the growing feeling between my legs.

"Really?" He steps in between my legs, bring his hands farther up my thighs, until he's close, I have the urge to move backwards but that would only end in him tightening his grip on me. "Please contiune with your story. " He taunts, "You are doing this shit on purpose." I blurted and he smirks at me.

"You have such a dirty mouth." He notes. I think I liked that word coming out his mouth way too much. "Go ahead, finsh your story." He aclamated. I look down at his lips as I try to form words.

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