Chapt 27 ✦ Space

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After finally getting done with Jackson, I walk toward the car when I notice the door to the stairs closes a little

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After finally getting done with Jackson, I walk toward the car when I notice the door to the stairs closes a little.

Barley making a sound but enough for me to hear.

I take out my gun and walk to the stairs. I go down the stairs and wait until I hear someone enter a different floor. I didn't feel like killing anyone else tonight.

I'd rather be in my fucking bed.

I open the door and that's when I see her.


She followed me here. Fuck. I scratch against my head with my gun trying to figure out what to do. I walk out the door, quietly approaching her.

"Nora." She pauses, looking up but she doesn't turn around. She holds the door to her car, shaking her head slightly. "So this is what you do for a living?" She grits with so much malice in her voice, I can already tell this isn't going to go the way I want it to.

"Angel, let me exp"

"Don't fucking call me that!" She spits harshly. She turns around, slamming the car door shut and despite her fuming...

She's still so beautiful.

"You kill people for a living Axel." She grits, I take a step forward and she backs up with her hands out.

"I don't even know what to say about this shit." She hits her fist against her forehead softly. "I could sit here and tell you what you're doing is wrong but that's not even my fucking concern." She takes a small step forward. "I don't care about any of that." She yells louder.

"You keep fucking lying to me." She seethes so loud the building could fall down. "I was trying to find a way to tell you." I try to convince her but she's not hearing any of it. Rightfully so.

"You have had plenty of times to tell me. How about like 3 fucking days ago when I asked you to just be honest with me!"

I try to think of something to say but I'm stuck.

"Or last night."

Just her tone alone lets me know that over fucked up big time.

"You know I found your shit like 3 days ago. Money and text messages and even seeing those, all I wanted to believe was would tell me if it was important." She continues and I can't find one word to say.

"He will be honest with me, I kept saying to myself but no. You sat there and continue to look me in the face and fucking lie." She says, stepping closer to me. She pauses as if she's trying to think.

"You shot me. The day we met. That was you, wasn't it!?" This time when she raises her voice, I reach out for her hand. "WASNT IT?!" She yells, backing up from me again. "Yes" She scoffs before backing up more.

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