Chapt 37 ✦ Her Hitman

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You'd think after years of controlling my anger when it comes to certain situations that I'd be able to handle this professionally.

"You have until Zach finishes chopping off your buddies fingers to tell me who you work for or I'm going to gouge your eyes out and make him eat them." I deadpan and the man stares at me in horror.


"Psychotic, crazy, insane, deadly....Yeah I know" I look over to Zach. "You've got about 3 more fingers left." The other man screams before Damien puts a sock in his mouth.

"Why do they all sound like bitches before they die?" Damien comments and I shrug. "Don't ask me questions I don't know the answer to." I respond and he laughs.

I direct my attention back to the man in front of me. "Listen, you can either tell me and I'll think about how to make your death as painless as possible oooor you can piss me off and I'll keep you alive for days, torturing you." I huff.

"I don't know who the boss is"

"Well who do you report to?"

"Some guy named Jenson." Okay now we're getting somewhere. "And what does Jenson look like?" I get down on my hunches. "Short, has a mustache.." He struggles to get out.

"Where has Jenson been lately?" He doesn't respond and I take out my knife stabbing him in the stomach. "The last time we met up it- it was at a house we use to meet up in case of emergencies." He rushes out.


"7926 Fall st"

"What's Jenson last name?" The little shit starts crying. Actually crying. "I don't know. We don't get told anything." I scrunch my face up before tilting my head slightly.

"Give me something better than that. I don't have any heart strings for you to pull on and the only one who can pull those fucking strings is being hunted by whoever your boss is. Do you understand my dilemma...?" I pause for his name.


"Ah Steven." I stare at him. "He has a black Honda and usually spends most of his money at the casino downtown." He releases and I stand up.

I place my hand on top of his head and round behind him. "You think you can get something from that?" I ask Zach and he turns around with his hand on his chest.

"So Dramatic." Damien pipes from my left.

"Have you met me?" Zach sounds offended and Damien and I laugh before I snap Steven's head off. Zach offs his guy and we head to Zach's computer.

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