Chapt 42✦ Sneaking Around

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Was I a little peeved seeing Axel and Celeste talking, the short answer is yes. However with Cam mindlessly flirting with me as if Axel didn't introduce me as his girlfriend mere minutes ago is pissing me off more.

I take another gulp of wine, how many have I had? Is this really his life? Fancy parties and dangerous people who act like children.

Not that I can't handle it, it's just time consuming. No wonder he was content being sent away.

I finish off my wine, heading back to the tables. Jesus, I want to leave and take a nap, because I serverly need one. I just so happen to be hungry again so that's why I'm suffering through dinner with his psycho ex girlfriend.

I take my seat, Axel sits next to me. The appetizers come out to the table and I reach for a mozzarella stick quickly when Axel's hand lands on my thigh, slightly squeezing.

I move his hand off and I swear the man stops breathing for a moment. I wasn't really thinking and I'm not even sure why I'm even annoyed with him.

I mean I understand it's not his fault she's here but...she's here. Taunting me with her bullshit presence. I turn to his eyes set on mine before lifting his hand to repeat the same action.

And just like him so do I.

I face forward, putting a mozzarella stick in my mouth. My phone rings and as my mothers name crosses the screen, I thank god that someone called me.

I stand up and make my way to a separate room in the building. "Yes." I take a breath. "I just want to know how he is." She sounds like a child, I roll my eyes.

Sure, maybe I should be, I don't know...sympathetic. But I'm not. 

"Then send him a text message or something. I don't know what information you are trying to get from me but-"

"Must I always call you for in-"

"Information or anything concerning Nathan." I cut her off before she can finish. "Nora." The woman sighs and I catch myself wanting for her to just apologize or treat me like I'm her fucking child.

However the quietness on the phone is too much. It suffocates me. I won't sit here just waiting for her to shut me down. "Actually, I'm really busy at the moment." My voice is a little shaky. "Nora."

"I'll tell him to call you." I hang up the phone, placing my hands on my hips, looking out the window. That was pathetic. I could be at my house, watching tvd with juice and food instead i'm hanging out on my "mother" while at an event that had my boyfriend's ex girlfriend's. I take another deep breath, running my hand through my hair.

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