Chapt 54 ✦ In the Clouds

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I've seen Axel through his best times, his worst times, his drunk times, high times but when I walk into Zach's room to find, all the boys half dressed, Damien staring at the wall, Nathan is raving about a video, Zach keeps reloading and unloading a nerf gun and Axel is eating cookies, I realize I truly haven't see it all.

I clear my throat, all four of them look at me in shock. Axel checks his watch, Zach stands up quickly as Leila appears next to me.

"Shit." I hear a mumble from Zach. "You guys were supposed to meet us." Leila speaks first as the rest of the girls comes in. "You okay?" Leila walks towards Zach.

I don't think Leila has found out that they are stoned. However this is a little different. Axel usually doesn't act like this and he damn sure hates to be late to something.

No matter how small.

"Damien what's going on?" Sienna asks and he doesn't say anything. I turn to Axel, "Want to help him out?"He puts down the cookies, clearing his throat.

"Zach brought snacks and forgot they were edibles, we had quite a few." Sienna walks over to Damien and he grabs one of her curls playing with it.

"What's a few?" Sienna asks, grabbing Damien's hands from playing in her hair.

"God, they are fucked up. Change of plans. We can't take them out like this." Marina walks over to Nathan. "You look just like my girlfriend. Hey, look at this video." He points at his phone and I refrain from laughing.

"Let's just chill in the living room, watch some tv." Leila grabs Zach's hand leading him to the living room. "We'll join you in a second." I release, walking further into the kitchen.

"Nora! Can you order pizza." Zach yells and I laugh, my stomach hurting from it.

"Whatever." I hear a "Yes" from the living room as I lean against the counter. He grabs another cookie. "I'm sorry we didn't come on time. I was getting dressed and then somehow I was in a nerf gun war." And from his shorts and no shirt on, I guess his story checks out.

"How many did you eat?" He takes a moment, no doubt willing his brain to think."A hand full of gummy worms." I smack my head, laughing.

"You're fucked."

"Yeah. I can barely think. I just keep fucking eating." I snicker at his response, jumping onto the counter with my head leaned back against the cabinets.

I pull out my phone, ordering 6 pizzas. Once I'm finished, I put my phone on the counter bringing my attention back to my fine ass drugged man.

"Instead of going to the beach, we are just going to go midnight swimming when.." He walks forward, stepping in between my legs.

"You guys come down from your high." He nods, yet I know he's not paying my words any mind right now. "Axel, did you hear an-"

"Why are you so fucking beautiful?" My eyes widen, blush spreading across my cheeks. "Why thank you." His hands roll up my thighs, squeezing slowly. "You are so welcome." He kisses my neck, my heart pounding as he bites onto my shoulder.

I grab his hair, yanking him away from me, enough to make eye contact with him. He looks confused, shit I don't know why I pulled him off either.

Yet I can't explain the feeling I get from denying him something he wants.

He moves forward, opening my jacket leaving me in my bikini top. He kisses, sucks, and bites my breast before I pull him back again. "Nora." He's getting fed up and for some reason I fucking love it.

I lean forward kissing him, melting into him. It takes all of my strength but I pull him back and this time I hold him there with a smirk on my face. His grip on my hips tightens so hard I whimper and he snaps.

Grabbing the hair at the base of my head, tilting my head up at him. I loose my grip as he uses his other hand to yank my body down to meet his.

"Since when do you deny me, Angel?" He bites my lip and I pull back, revealing in the way his grip gets stronger in my hair.

" want me to beg for it?" He whispers in my ear and I wish with my entire fucked up heart that I could say that sounds horrible, disgusting and weird.

But when goosebumps arise on my skin and the room shoots up 65 degrees, I realize I fucking want that.

"That's what you want. Right? To see me beg for you?" His lips so close to mine, looking so deep into my soul, I'm afraid to look away at this point.

All I can do is nod.

He rips at my top, freeing one of my breast. "Axel." I can feel him against me, it's not enough pressure to actually feel anything but I need to feel him.

I need him closer.

"We shouldn't be doing this here. They could hear or see us." I whisper, He doesn't care. Not as he pulls my shorts off, leaving me in my bikini bottoms.

"I want to be buried inside you." He palms my breast hard, my head falling back against the cabinets as I try to stay quiet. I'm panting like a fucking dog.

The thought of getting caught turns me on so much but not as much as everything this man is doing to me. "Nora Baby, let me fuck you."

"Say please."

"Please." He bites my lip, before I let him devour my mouth. Completely overpowering me. I can't hold on long with him. He pulls himself out, moving my bottoms to the side before slamming into me.

I have to bite into his shoulder so I won't scream. "Jesus, you always feel so fucking good." I can't even respond, not as he thrusts into me so hard, I'm surprised glass isn't breaking.

His hand cages my throat, forcing me to look at him. "You're pretty little pussy is going to make me cum before I want to, Angel." I let out a soft whimper, his words making me wetter than I already am.

His arms wrapped under my legs, lifting me up completely. He bounces me up and down on his dick, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

"God fuck. Fuck." I can feel my orgasm on the cusp right now. It can't get any better than this. But then it does.

He leans me against the wall, both hands cradling my face, as he pushes in and out of me ravingly. My eyes on his as he gives me a devilish smile. It's so good, I can barely catch my breath.

My eyes widen with shock as he rams into me. "You look so fucking beautiful, perfect and mine." He kisses my forehead as I close my eyes.

Tears roll down my eyes, overwhelmed with pleasure as he licks up my neck kissing me. A few more strokes and it's as if he's pulling words out of my mouth.

"Oh fuck. Yes. Please please don't stop. Please." I whisper as low as I can as my eyes roll into the back of my head. And when he bites my skin, he covers my mouth to hide my scream.

He releases into me, I lean against the wall, tired and hungry as fuck. He puts me down, goes to find a rag to clean me up.

I can barely stand, let alone talk.

"You are god gifted women." I smile brightly, trying to fix my hair. The door bell rings and Zach races to the door.



Hey guys, I'm going to posting again soon, this book is coming to an end soon and it makes me so sad but excited because I am working on the beginning of the third book, which I will be posting soon. 😁🤍

How are you guys doing?🦋

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