Chapt 49 ✦ High Speed

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We all jump into cars and immediately take off. Axel decided to drive like I knew he would. "I drove here, ya know." I reach behind me feeling for the seatbelt.

"Oh I know." He laughs but it's cut short when bullets start hitting the car. "Woah!" I duck down in my seat, "Our cars are bulletproof Angel. You're okay."I sit up in relief but again it's cut short when I see cars pulling out the factory.

"Oh shit."

"Here." Axel holds the gun to me, rolling down the windows.

"Umm I am not that good. I'm 65, 35 on this." He cannot possibly believe I'm going to stick my head out this window. I grab the gun, feeling it's weight in my hard as I reload. "You're thinking too much." I roll my eyes with a loud huff.

"Well excuse me, I wasn't trained to do this kind of stuff." I grit and he turns to me with a confused expression laced on that annoyingly good looking face of his. "Yet you dragged Celeste by her hair and shot her." He throws back with a smirk on his face.

"That was completely different, she needs to die. I'm running on pure anger."

Damian pulls up next to us, Zach halfway out the window. "Where are we taking them?!" Damien screams and Axel shrugs.

"Ask Alec." And he did. He drove up next to them in front of us, Zach still looking like a blonde headed mad man hanging out the window shooting behind us.

Axel fists my shirt, pulling me onto him. "Lean out the window and shoot their tires." I lean out the window and aim for one of the cars. "Axel!" I freak out before he rubs my thigh. "Calm down. Point and shoot." I miss the first shot, but I get the second, watching one of the cars blow up into a tree.

"Hey, I did it, I got one!" Axel laughs at my celebration, I aim out the window at another. I hit someone else's tire and turn to see Axel staring at me with a smirk.

"What? This is more difficult then you think. We are going like 95 miles per hour and there happen to be civilians around." I breathe, shooting at another car, missing.

"We'll Angel it looks like I've corrupted you." The appropriate response would be 'Yes, you have corrupted me. You are a terrible person.' But that's not what my response is.

Instead, I smile down at him, "Feels good to me."

He shakes his head, blowing out a breath, grabbing my waist, pulling me back into into my seat. "What's wrong?"

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