Chapt 12 ✦ Jealous

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"Thank you for coming." I hand her the roses while she takes them, smiling. "How did you know I like roses?" Her brows knit together.

"Marina." We say in unison before laughing and heading away from the conference area. She smells the flowers before giving me a hug.

"I actually wanted to ask you a question." I state, pulling back and she hums a response.

"Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?" She looks at me with a smile that could stop the entire world from spinning.

God that fucking smile.

"Yes, I would love that." She coos, walking towards her friends. "So what happened up there?" Her eyes roll as she grabs a towel from a table, wiping her face. "Kate? She just knows how to get under my skin." She talks as if she's repulsed by the mention of her name.

"Don't let people have that kind of power over you. In my experience, once someone finds out what makes you tick. They will use it against you." Her face scrunches before laughing slightly.

"Wow, I thought I had trust issues."

"Who is this?" A man walk up next to her as she slaps her head. "Doston, this is Axel. Axel, this is Doston and Danny is on his way over." She introduces us. "What's up man." Danny greets me, shaking my hand. "It's nice to meet friends of hers." Someone else walks up as Nora continues talking.

"Axel, this is Justin." Justin nods in my direction, not saying too much but his body language speaks clearly.


He's staring at me as if he has a problem, I don't do well with problems.

He's a few inches shorter than me and he's build is pretty average. He seems to be a bit of an outcast from the group, he's not really standing next to anyone.

"How long have you guys known each other?" Justin questions, who does he think he is...God? Before I can say anything Nora speaks up first.

"A while." She responds shortly. I watch as his body tenses up, he shuffles before his jaw clenches. I keep my eyes glued to him, he must like her. He won't stop staring at her and it makes sense.

She is beautiful but ultimately she is mine.

"And are you two together?" He presses as if he has the right to question her. "I don't think that's any of your concern." I speak up while he steps forward.

"It's a good thing I wasn't asking you then." He spits and I grin slightly, taking a step closer to him.

"You actually didn't address your question to anyone. Seeing as Nora still hasn't responded to the question, I think she'd agree that it's not your fucking concern." I bite calmly, taking yet another step forward, this one bringing us face to face.

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