Chapt 35 ✦ Surrounded

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I get up ridiculously early to head to the gym. Seeing I'm leaving in about a week, I have way more training days.

After I finish getting ready, I kiss the top of his head. But then it hits me, I don't have my car. "Axel, I need you to drive me to the gym."

"Just take a car" He mumbles.

Oh so his car too.

"Any car?"

"You touch my car and I'll make sure you can't walk for a month" He seethes through the pillow. "Fine. I'll take any other car" I roll my eyes and grab a key.

I find the car and drive to the gym. I get to the gym and immediately go to Guzman. "Change of plans" He says very frustrated.

"What? What's going on?" I ask and I look around to the number of pooling people coming in. The fuck is going on?

"You are about to fight" He says, wrapping my hands. I'm sorry? My eyes must be out of my sockets at the moment.

"G, I haven't trained in like 4 days." I try to get him to understand. "Look kid, it's this fight or they won't let you fight Jane" He urges.

"They are saying you need one last fight." He finally looks at me. "They are saying it's now or forfeit"


"Fine" I try to stay calm. Like hell i'm doing that. I don't ever forfeit. I turn to everyone coming in and then bring my attention back to him. "Who am I fighting?" There's way too many people here for it to be a local.

I start to think about the possible people.


"VANNESSA" I repeat. "Like the Vanessa that put some people into the hospital?" I ask and he nods. "Look you got this. Just don't let her grab you. Ever" He says with ease. Like this is not throwing me into the dog house.

"Trust me, you've got this" And with that I make my way to the locker room with my head phones. I need to calm down, relax. I take out my phone and dial Axels number.

"'Missed me already?" He teases and I don't respond. I just let out a shaky breathe. "Angel?"
He calls out for me. "I need you to tell me I can beat this girl" I state.

"I think I'm going to need you to elaborate" I don't even know why I called him. Whether it be because I'm nervous or anxious or just me wanting to hear from him.

"I guess the officials said I needed one more fight to be eligible to fight Jane, I mean it's understandable really it is" I let out a faint nervous laugh. "You are just psyching yourself out. You are stronger and faster than her."

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