Chapt 43 ✦ Safe Space

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"Can you tell me where we are going?" We've been driving for about an hour. "Almost there angel." All week we've been eating and seeing almost everything in Spain.

He told me on our last night here he wanted to show me something. And that's where we are off to now. We get to a house and from here, I still can't tell why we are here.

"This was the house I grew up in" I turn my head to see him looking at the house with an expression I can't quite read.

He grabs my hand and we head inside. "Axel, there's bullet holes in the wall." I laugh and he joins. "Ramsey and I never wanted to cover them up." I nod and he walks me up the stairs.

We walk into a room and there's lit candles everywhere. "How did you even get these on?" I look around and he kisses my temple.

"Come here." He grabs my hand, leading me outside the sliding door to a pool, looking over the city. Building lights, stars, music from the was perfect.

Without even thinking, I throw my phone and shoes on a near by table and jump in. "That was not apart of the plan." He says, stripping his clothes.

"You keep this place tidy." I assume and he jumps in after me, I laugh as he stands up, taking his hands through his hair.

"Yes. I do." I smile, swimming over to him. "You know as much as you scare people, you are a big softie." I whisper and he rolls his eyes, smiling. "Tell anyone that and I'll have to kill them." That draws a laugh from me.

I lean back, only wetting my hair as I look at the stars. "You are so perfect." I lift my head. "Never in my life did I ever think I'd be lucky enough to find someone like you." The water is cold and yet i'm sure my cheeks are hotter then usual.

"Well, if it's any consolation, I assumed I would be single forever. I never thought I'd meet someone like you. You just came out of no where, shooting me." We both laugh. "But the first time, I saw you. You were saving me."

"Should've saved you from myself."

"Don't say that." He turns back to me. "I thank every and any god that you shot me that day. Yes, you are terrifying sometimes and you are morally grey but you are perfect for me. Your the one person in the world that I can rely on. I wouldn't trade you for anything or anyone." He splashes water at me.

"I love you too." I smile, putting my hair back in the water. "Something's been bothering for the past few days." He's not asking. Its hard to get anything pass him.

"It's my mom." I sigh. "I don't really know what to do. Axel, the women treats me like I'm some mistake. I don't know maybe I should just forget her." I run a hand over my hair and as he grabs my hips, pull me to him.

My legs wrap around his waist, "Do you want a relationship with her?" He asks and I shrug. "I mean I don't not want a relationship with her." I play with his hair, enjoying the feeling.

"Then talk to her."

"I try to-"

"No. You talk to her. Don't let her talk. Set boundaries. When I talk to people, there's an underlying expectation. Which is why you don't see people coming out their ass to speak to me. You and your mother go back and forth." He rubs my thighs idly.

"My father and Alec would fight so much. It was fucking exhausting. Genuinely I don't think our father really knew how to love any of his children but Alec wasn't some feely kid either. He was cold. Calculated. They both are harsh and aggressive. You and your mother are doing this and it's mainly because it's all you ever do. At this point, she's probably used to it. Already wrapped her mind around the fact that it is love." I never really asked about his family in detail and what he is saying actually makes some sense.

"Thank you for the advice." I kiss his lips softly. "You're welcome angel." He stares at me for a moment and I try to hold back my smile. "Why are you staring at me?"

"I can't stare at you?" He rasps lowly and I smile. "Not like that." He tilts his head. "Like what?"

"Like you want to devour me whole." It comes out my mouth without any conviction. "Mhm I would indeed like to devour you whole, Nora." The way he whispers my name could have me frothing at the mouth.

"I bet you would." I look over the edge of the pool, "This is so beautiful. I wish I could do this all the time." He kisses along my jawline. "Who says we can't?"

"I don't know. We're both busy people."

"That's why calendars were created, angel. You set dates and then we work around it." His willing ness to give me whatever I want is addicting.

"So if I wanted to go to Greece, you'd take me?"

"I'd take you right now if you wanted to go. We'd be there in less than 6 hours." He releases and I sigh. "You're a bad influence, Salvatore." He hums shading my neck, tickling me slightly.

"Stop it!" I thrash around, splashing water at him. He grabs my body, pulling me closer. "Thank you." I kiss his forehead. "For what?"

"This. You brought me to your safe space." He looks around. "I assume this is where you came to distress. Be alone?" I suggest and he nods. "Yeah, I guess it was. Anytime I felt out of control, I'd come here to figure stuff out. I don't think it's my safe space though" He releases before grabbing my face and kissing my cheeks.

"That's all you Angel."

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See you next Sunday🤍

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