Chapt 50 ✦ Power

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It took a week for this bitch to become another problem. "I wish you would just shut up." I ground out, pacing back and forth.

Her men have been on us all week. I can barley go to the store without bullets flying everywhere.

"I don't see what he sees in you." The distaste on her words as they come out annoys my very soul. She walks back, taking a seat on the bench in her cell. "I could say the same for you." I mumble back causing her to stand back up, walking closer to the glass.

"I made him better. He was nothing when I found him and because of me-"

"No. You used him. You created a personal hitman. And then you attached feelings to it, making sure that in the end he'd still do what you wanted." I step closer to the glass, shaking my head.

The fact that her mindset was that she somehow made him like he isn't his own insane.

"It's not like it was thousands of people."

"The fact that it was anyone"

"You aren't even in his line of work. You don't know shit."

"I may not be in your line of work Celeste but I'm not naive. I know shit isn't sweet. Why else would I still be with him?  What I'm saying is you were using him to your advantage. You didn't think of how that would effect him." She rolls her eyes, walking around her cell.

"Oh and your so holy huh?" I laugh a little, crossing my arms over my chest. "You think you are so perfect." She keeps going and I smile a little.

"No. I'm flawed, I just don't give into my emotions." She takes a seat back on the bench. "Weak. That's what you are. Which is why you shouldn't have him." I sigh, exhausted of this conversation at best.

"Weak? You are in the cell...not me. I don't need to kill you when I have a boyfriend that will do it for me." The drop in her face gives me a little satisfaction as if she knows he would.

"He wouldn't. No. You asked him?"

"You sure he wouldn't?" I whisper as the door opens. She looks past me to Axel as he walks pass me to open the cell.

"Wait-wa. Axel, come on." She backs up slightly as he enters and when they both start fighting, I take a seat outside waiting.

She kicks him in the stomach, goes for a second and he catches her leg pushing her on the floor. She tries to recover but he grabs her thoart picking her up and holding her against the wall.

She gasp loudly as she hits the wall, "Axel!" She grits, pulling at his wrists. "C-come. on. Nora!" She screams and I pop my head up. "Oh Yes?" I smile the way a receptionist would at a desk.

"Tell him to stop." She grinds out, taking deep breaths. She's turning red and as much as I would like to kill her according to Axel that's not the plan.

Blah blah blah.

"What do you want?" She grits, steam practically pouring from her ears. "Put her down." Axel drops her turning to me with a smirk on his face.

She struggles to breathe while Axel walks out the cell, standing next to me. "You know you're pretty hot when your bossy." I try to ignore him but with the daggers he's staring into my head, I can't.

I turn to him, rubbing a hand over his jaw. I turn my head back to Celeste. "Call off your goons." I respond, she shakes her head.

"Why would I do that? If I'm going to be stuck in here then you two are going to be stuck inside because I will personally make sure their one goal is to kill you." I admit the thought of her men coming after me is enough to scare me, yet I just shake my head at her.

"I wonder what you went through to turn out like this." I speak up and she cuts me a sarcastic expression. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"What I just said." I don't need to explain myself especially when she knows what she's doing. "Call them off." This time it's Axel who speaks up.

"You know the second I do, I have no leverage. Why would I do that? Do you think I'm stupid?" She heads towards the glass, "Come on Axel."

"Call them off or I'm calling my sister in here."


"No." Her face drops again and I understand why interrogation can give you such satisfaction. I don't blame her, I wouldn't want to be tortured by her either.

"Rose. You'd let"

"Yes. I would. Actually I'm just going to do that because I don't have time for this shit anymore Celeste. I'm not understanding why... if you aren't stupid why it's so hard for you to understand why I am not doing this anymore. Call them off and you get to keep your pathetic life." His voice reverberates throughout the walls as he screams at her.

She stares back at him for what feels like hours for me. It's apparent she still feels something for him and in that I feel bad for her because Axel is a wonderful guy and a tough one to lose.

But I don't feel bad for how she got herself in this stupid ass situation.

"Give me the phone." Axel turns the phone on the glass and she directs him on who to call. "Say anything besides what you are supposed to and Rose with be the least of your worries." The phone is put on speaker.

"Yo Galen."

"Yes ma'am."

"Take the hit off Nora and Axel. We are done with them completely." It's quiet for a moment. "But are you sur"

"Yes." She stares back at Axel. "I'm done with them. Take over until I get back...if I don't come back this term still apply." She releases taking a breath.

"Yes ma'am. Canceling now." The phone call ends and to my knowledge we are done. Finished. This problem is mainly finished. She lives her pathetic life and Axel and I go back t-


I turn around to Celeste dead on the floor. Even though it shouldn't, A sigh of relief pushes out of me as he comes out the cell.

"Do you feel better?" I cross my arms and he pretends to think about it sarcastically before nodding. "So much better." He jokes.

I laugh a little and we both walk back upstairs to Alec's living room. "Wellll.. It seems as though all of our problems have been solved for now." He tsks his teeth walking around me.

"What? Wha- What are you doing? Why are you circling me like some prey?" He smiles, "Angel, I just want to look at you." I roll my eyes, "Well what do we do now? I mean my tournaments are months away and our problem is now solved." He grabs one of my hands, holding it in his.

"I do remember you saying something about a boat and us all going." Wow. That is next month. Lord, my brothers going to be there.

" yeah I'm down." He grabs my waist, giving me a small kiss on the forehead. "Never thought I'd get this lucky." I smile up at him, "Because of me?"

"Because my brother just walked in with pizza." My face in shock as I laugh at him. "That's fucked up." I point out as he spams me with kisses to make up for his words.

"Forgive me?"

"I guess."


Hey guys, I'll have to edit a little more tomorrow if been up all day and i'm going to sleeps. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.❤️

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