Chapt 5 ✦ Act like a Lady

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A notification from my mother dings on my phone and I grab my phone. I look at the message and roll my eyes.

Nora Rose, I would appreciate it if you would join the family for dinner tonight.

A simple text message. Just like her simple, poised, elegant and a lady. My mother and I don't really get along. I don't understand how she and I are related. We never agree on anything and we are always at each others thoats.

I throw my phone down and decided I'm staying home. I'm not going.

Why would I torture myself with that shit?

That's until I hear my phone again and instead of my mother, its my brother. I pick up the phone and grunt immediately.

"If you are calling me about this dinner, the answer is no." I bite and he whines. "Nora" I roll my eyes, sitting down. "Just come out to lunch with me" He says and I sit there for a minute.

"Fine, I'll meet you in like thirty minutes downtown." I state before hanging up. I get up and look through my closet trying to find something to wear. I grab a black dress and some tights. I get my black trench coat on and look around for my shoes.

After finding my shoes, I grab my phone and walk over to my kitchen grabbing some water.

I can't believe I'm going to meet with him.

I already knew what would end up happening.

I hear a ding on my phone as I get out the car and look down at my phone

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I hear a ding on my phone as I get out the car and look down at my phone.

I smile at my phone as I see Axel texted me. He asked about how my day was going and told him I'm probably going to the dinner from hell. I continue to walk and text in my phone when I hear someone yell my name.


I look up and see my brother, Nathan waving at me from down the street. I walk to him and we go into a restaurant to eat. I sit down and he keeps smiling at me.

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