Chapt 59 ✦ Forever

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The tea pot whistles while I stare into space, thinking about the fact that I'm about to be married.

It doesn't feel real at all.

"Do you know what time you want to get there?" Marina's question goes through one ear and out the other. "Nora?"

"Yes, sorry what'd you ask?" She walks over to the island, eating a bagel. "What time do you want to get there?"

Everything starts around 3 o'clock yet I have so much to do. Hair, Nails, mostly everything about myself seeing Axel took care of everything else.

"As soon as my hair and nails are done. Do you know if Angelina landed yet?" I ask and she nods. "Last I heard, Rosalina said she's with her. They should be here any minute now." I nod my head, making my way to the tea pot, pouring a cup of tea.

"I'm so excited for you. Finally getting the ending you deserve." I smile to myself before turning around. The cup in my hand warming up my palms.

"Thank you, I appreciate that however I'm happy for you too, Nathan told me you guys are moving in together." She rolls her eyes, trying to play it off.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Or it is and you're just freaking out because it's getting real." She sighs, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yeah I know." Well at least she admitted it.

The doorbell rings followed by a 4 year old bursting through the door. "Nora! Nora!" She runs from the entrance to the kitchen. "Yes?" I laugh as she attacks my left leg. "You're going to be my aunt today!" She exclaims, squeezing me to death.

"Good morning." Rosalina walks into the house followed by "Ahhh!" Angelina runs into the house, looking for me. "You're getting married!" She hugs me so tight I'm surprised I still have my ribs intact. "How unfortunate that it's my brother." She jokes.

"Do you have everything you need?" Roslina places her bags down and sits across from me at the island. "I do. I just never imagined myself married."

"Well I told you everything would be okay." She comments, sipping her coffee. "God, you are such a mom. I swear." Angelina laughs, grabbing some juice out the fridge.

"So what's on the to-do list?" I pick Arya up, setting her on the island. "Hair and nails for everyone."

"Everyone!!!" Arya screams in excitement. "Yes everyone, they should be here in a few minutes to do all of us here." I respond. "Here? Why here?" Angelina sighs as I turn to grab a bottle of vodka.

"Unlimited amount of boos."


The venue looks bigger than I expected it to be.

I slowly open the doors peeking inside to see what looks like hundreds of people. "Oh my god. I don't even have this much family." I whisper, trying to look further inside.

"Shouldn't you be with the bridesmaids?" I spin around, frightened that he just came out of nowhere. "Axel! Oh my god. You can't sneak up on me like that?!" He laughs as if it's the funniest thing in the world.

"Wait... you shouldn't be looking at me. Isn't that like bad luck or something?" I look around as if the imaginary police are going to pull up and hail me off to the racker all because the mans looking at me.

"Doesn't matter, your mine forever whether there's a document of it or not. I'm pretty sure you've gotten that by now Angel." The blushing spreading from my cheeks is all the answer he needs from me.

"You look so beautiful. An absolute vision yet the vision I have in my head of you without this dress on is much better." I shake my head, he can never be serious. "You are so-"

"Amazing, rich, insane, in love, so attractive it brings all the"

"Finish that sentence and you won't have to worry about any future problems because you'll be dead." He smirks, biting his lip. "Oh Angel don't you know that threats do nothing but turn me on." God, such a way with words.

"I thank god I found you." He breaks the silence lingering between us for a moment. "I don't know where I'd be without you."

"Killing people, fucking randoms and getting richer?" He burst into laughter, me with him, until his mother shoots around the corner.

"Ayee! You are not supposed to be looking at her right now." She smacks the back of his head, I try to hold my laughter but it's not working.

"Go get prepared so she can as well." He kisses my forehead listening to his mother. We watch him walk off, His mother turns to me with a smile.

"He's so happy with you. Thank you."

"Thank you for raising someone that makes me feel safe, loved and cherished. He's done so much for me in the time we've been together and I'm so excited to be a part of your family." She hugs me, kissing my cheek.

"It's your family too."

I am ready for the rest of my life with them and can't be happier that I'm marrying him.

To think this all started over a misplaced bullet.


GUYSSS!! That's it! I told you guys in the last one that I am not the best at writing weddings.

I appreciate everyone that's been sticking with me thus far and for the people who have just started to read this book or this series...

Thank you!

I can't get anywhere without you guys and to have your support especially right now.

Life has been life-ing.

That's the best way I can put it but when I come on here and see your comments and votes, honestly it's the highlight of my day.

So thank you so much and I hope you guys will read the next and last book in the series Intangible, following Angelina on her journey of love and betrayal. And if you guys haven't read the first book, Intoxicating, following their older brother Alec, definitely check it out.

All books can be stand alone but as you read them together easter eggs and or information comes back up from the first two books.

Again Thank you so much!

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