Chapt 40✦ Family Greetings

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In Axel's words, "Let's just put a pin in it for now."

That was a few days ago and today we are standing in the airport, about to head to Spain.  "What brand are we using?" The question makes him laugh while on his phone.


"Yeah like air line if you want to be technical." I look down at our bags. "You sure you want to pay for all of these. The carry on fees are ridiculous." I state, shaking my head at the thought of the price.

"Come on."

"Well, are you going to answer my question?" I laugh as we walk through the airport. It's not until we get to a separate part that we walk outside to a huge white plane.

"Is this first class?" I ask and he points to the crest. It's the same as the crest I saw on Axel's cars. No.

"Axel. You have your own plane!" I run to the stairs and head into the plane. The inside smelled like money I didn't even know existed.

The seats were a beautiful color of beige and there were people already offering me drinks.
He gets on the plane after me talking to a few men and the pilot. The pilots head into the front but the men get off the plane.

His hands in his pockets as he walks over to me. "Like it?" He asks as I continue to look around. "like it? Axel just how much money to you have?" He gets closer to me, "I heard it's rude to ask someone that."

I give him a face. "This is so expensive." I tell him before looking around. "Where are the men that usually stay with you?" I ask and he takes off my jacket, leaving me in a tank top.

He grips the sides of my face, slowly kisses up my neck. "Axel." He continues to kiss along my jaw until he makes it to my lips.

He hovers over them, just looking at me. "Maybe I just wanted some time with you." He smiles and I turn my head away, blushing.

"Mhmm, you sound like you want more then just some time with me." I respond and he kisses under my jaw lightly.

"Come sit, you look like"

"Like I'm about to meet your entire family." I release and he kisses my cheek. "They will love you." He responds and I roll my eyes, taking a seat.


The plane ride wasn't too bad, Axel focused on finishing some work, while I slept and slept. It was great.

The plane lands and it abruptly wakes me up out of my sleep. "Do me a favor and stay close to me this week. There will be more families then I aspected." He stands up, reaching for my hand.

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