Chapt 44✦ Devil

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I love my sisters but I'm about to break my girlfriend's phone. It's apparent that my sisters are obsessed with her and as happy as I am that they all get along, I want her to myself.

We decided on eating IHOP this morning and most of it has been filled with her texting them. Nora's laugh breaks my thoughts, "Axel, your sister is honestly the funniest person I've ever met." She raves still texting them and I sigh.

That draws her attention, "You know you have to share me, I can't just be all yours." She nudges. Yes the fuck she can. "When do you go back to train?" My phone rings and I ignore it.

"Two days, the competition is in weeks." She runs a hand through her hair. I eye her behavior, she looks on edge, nervous even.

"Why are you so nervous?" She turns her head to me, "I'm not nervous." That's hilarious. I mean actually funny.

"I'm not."

"Nora, you bounce your right leg when you're pissed, You roll your eyes two different ways, you rub your fingertips together when you're frustrated.." I lean forward ghosting my lips over hers. "And when you're aroused, you can't catch your breath. I know when you're nervous." Her lips part before she kisses me quickly, leaning onto my arm.

"It's stupid."

"Nothing you say is stupid." She takes a frustrated breath, turning to me with her leg propped up. It's the most comfortable I've ever seen her.

Her sweat pants slightly move as she turns, her jacket hangs off one shoulder while her hair sits atop her head in a messy bun.

God, I love this woman.

"Well for starters, I actually liked her. I was like her biggest admirer. I've told her to her face that she's amazing and that I look up to her. And then she tries to get me killed. She's a fucking pussy." I laugh and she smiles.

"I'm just saying. What bitch tries to kill her opponent because she's scared her title is going to get taken?" She raises her hands.

She stick a piece of bacon into her mouth, "And don't get me started on the guys that she sent. A guy in a mustache?" I don't think I've ever laughed this much in my life.

"How is THAT supposed to scare me? However I am nervous but also excited. I'm excited for the fight." She leans her head against her leg that's propped up and then slightly smirks maliciously.

"I'm nervous because I know what it looks like when i'm fighting personally versus professionally." For the first time in my life, I can't control my expression.

"What? Just because I said you couldn't kill her, doesn't mean I can't put her in the fucking hospital. That's the true reason I love what I do because I can get away with just about anything, there are no rules, everyone knows what they're in for." The ends of my mouth threaten to lift.

This woman...

"She did this to herself when she sent people to kill me. I'm not just going after the title. I'm going after her life."

I hum, grabbing a piece of bacon eating it, keeping my eyes on her. She's still smirking at me like what she said was some innocent little sentence and not that she's basically over here daydreaming about putting Jane in the hospital. I'm questioning my sanity at this point because I just want to fuck her.

Maybe I am a little psychotic.

"I'll be surprised if I don't kill her. The last person I put in the hospital was-"

"Stop. Talking." My tone is firm and good for it, if she doesn't stop talking, I'll fuck her right her in this booth. The waiter comes back but we're still looking at each other. "A stack of pancakes please." She smiles up at the waiter and he walks off. "I'm going to use the bathroom." She stands up, still looking at me.

"Try not to miss me too much yeah." She walks to the bathroom.

I blow out a breath as I stand up and follow her. I make it to the single women's bathroom and before I can open it, she yanks me inside by my shirt, kissing me. I lock the door as we walk inside and I immediately need her out of these clothes.

Her lips never leave mine, not as I unzip her jacket, not as she unties my hoodie only taking small breaks to get my hoodie over my head. I'm purely acting on instinct at this point, there's no thinking when she's in my hands.

Her hands drop to my pants, eager. She bites my lip eliciting a deep groan from me. Somehow she's in my arms, her legs wrapped around my hips as I'm propping her onto the sink counter.

I pull her pants down, still heavy into the kiss before she grabs my dick from my boxers, I constantly have to remind myself that we are in an IHOP bathroom.

"Nora." She strokes my dick slowly, eyes on me looking like a caveman that's fucking starving. Like I'm a piece of fried chicken. "What?" Her question comes out breathless.

"You don't want to be bad with me Axel?" My name coming out her mouth is my last straw, I move her hand and pull her down onto my dick. Her arms wrap around my neck as I begin to thrust into her hard, She bites my shoulder trying to stay quiet.

"You want to be bad?" I grab her chin with one hand, her eyes hooded, not even looking at me.

I pull out of her and turn her around, when I slide back into her she whimpers. "This what you wanted?" I pound into her relentlessly, I don't give a fuck if someone hears. All that matters is how fucking beautiful she looks right now. Face flushes red, her hair is everywhere, she can't keep her eyes open as little noise spill.

I lace a hand in her hair against her scalp, yanking her up to me. My name falling from her lips over and over.

God, this is heaven.

I grab her throat with both hands, forcing her to look in the mirror above the sink. Fuck, we make a good picture. "Mhmm, look at you. You look so fucking perfect." I groan out as her breathing and little whimpers pick up.

"You know what I see?" She's way too wound up in pleasure to answer. "I see the real you. The you that no one else gets to see. Raw, vindictive and fucking gorgeous." She lazily smiles in the mirror at me, I'm going to marry this woman. My strokes get faster and I'm sure if I let go of her hips, she'll buckle.

Her body tenses and her eyes begin to roll. "Fuckkk" A throaty groan and I can tell she's almost there. She reaches back for me so I flip her back around to look at her.

I want to watch her come apart.

I want to soak in every detail.

The way she shakes, the way she can't breathe, the way her eyes fail her as she moans my name over and over as if that's the only word left in her vocabulary.

I grab her face with both hands, pulling her down as I travel up into her. "Axel." She whimpers brokenly. "That's right," I ghost my lips over hers, "Come for me, my dirty little angel." Another thrust and her acrylic nails dig into my skin. "..oh my god." She writhes against me but then she sits up into me, pushing onto me over and over.

"Fuck Nora." My arms move to the counter sink as she grabs my neck with both hands, smiling. "If I'm your angel, you're my devil." She whispers lowly and that's all it takes for me to come inside her.

She smiles innocently with my dick still inside her, "I think our pancakes may be ready baby."


Jesusssss...that's all imma say🥵

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