Chapt 53 ✦ In Laws

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"Zach, one more time. One more god damn time and I'm going to fucking kill you." Damien yells across the room as Zach hides behind the couch with a nerf gun.

Zach points to the counter, i brought snacks. I walk over eating a hand full of gummy worms. Nathan grabs some chips and Damien eats 2 brownies.

Zach hits Damien with the nerf gun again and I think the man actually growls. "Why would you even let him bring this?!" He directs his anger my way, "Hey." I hold my hands up, Nathan and I trying not to laugh.

"I didn't let him do anything. Not my business." I get a message letting me know Nora's parents have arrived on the island. I kept them far apart, they won't Nora and she won't see them.

"I gotta go, I'll be back in an hour. Cover for me." Everyone nods and Nathan sighs. "Good luck."

It takes me about 10 minutes to get to them and I texted the boys letting them know not to come near here.

We sit down at a cafe, I immediately order myself a drink. I'm sure i'm going to need it.

"So what exactly are we doing here?" Her moms high pitch voice rings in my ear, what is taking that drink so long?

I contemplate how I want to move forward because I'm all honestly I just feel like threatening them but that's no way to enter a healthy relationship with my in laws.

Instead I start easy.

"Mr. Lannister, I called you out here because I plan on purposing to your daughter." Her father beams while her mother stares me down.

She's really starting to annoy me.

"That's amazing. I can tell she adores you." Her mother scoffs to his response. "So you called us out here to ask for our blessing on marrying her." My drink arrives and thank fuck for it.

I swallow the whole drink down, leaning forward with my hands clasped on the table. "Natalie, is it?" She opens her mouth but is interrupted by me.

"Okay Natalie...I'm going to be frank with you. Actually-." Let me not leave Nathan out, Nora would hate that.

"I'm going to be frank with the both of you in hopes that if your children spoke as plainly as me, you'd understand." My head feels a little fuzzy which shouldn't be happening because a double of Bourbon does nothing for me.

"The way you treat your daughter." Then I turn. "And the way you treat your son....Is fucking ridiculous." She hopes up a finger.

"Where do you-"

"I'm talking." I snap my gaze to her and she shuts up. Both of them are fucking cowards.

"Your son is accomplished. Isn't fucking whores, dealing drugs...he's making a name for himself and by the looks of it, found someone whose just as busy as him." I turn my attention to Natalie.

"You're daughter...although she doesn't say it. Looks for your approval in everything she does.. just to be good enough for you. She once spent 4 hours trying to find an outfit in her closet that you'd like. Just because she isn't as proper and pristine doesn't mean she's less than. It means she isn't trying to be like everyone else all the god damn time. She's strong and smart. Too smart." I lean back, exhausted from speaking at this point.

"If you two don't fix your relationships with your kids, they will never come back to see you again. Your kids." I stand up, throwing 200 hundred dollars on the table.

"I didn't call you here for your blessing. Whether you like me or not, I will be marrying your daughter." I make crystal clear.

"However the beautiful soul I'm marrying happens to want her mother there. And since she's too scared to open up, I'll do it for her. And since she's too nice to tell the both of you that you are being shit parents. I will." I release my clenched fists, taking a breath.

I have to shake my head slightly to stop the room from spinning a little. What the fuck is going on..

"The proposal is happening in 4 days. It'll be on the beach. We'll be throwing a party and then when sunset comes, I'll propose on the beach. I rented a hotel for you on the other side of the island. I'm rich so expect the best." I make a face towards her mother. 

I throw the paper with all the information they need if they stay. "If you choose to stay and ya know be parents to your children, Do not let Nora see you at all. I put you on the other side for a reason." And with that I walk away, heading to the car I rented.

I drive back to the cabin too thankful that part of my day is over. However what I walk into is even worse. Actually so much worse.

"Does the water look different to you?" Damien points to the ocean, I sigh so hard because I know exactly what happened.

"ZACH!" He pops his head around the corner. "We're those edibles?" I point to the snack on the table. "Yeah totally."

"Podría matarte. Tengo muchas cosas que hacer hoy. Tenemos tantas cosas que hacer." (I could kill you. I have so much shit to do today. We have so much shit to do. | Spanish)

"I forgot they were until I ate them." He comes around the corner with a bottle of lemonade in hand. Nathan laughs so hard coming out the kitchen.

"Look at this video. It's so funny." He turns the screen to me revealing nothing. Because his fucking phone is off, God were fucked.

"I don't think I've been this high in a minute." Damien turns around, "What time is it?" He asks, sitting on the couch.

It's 1. Fuck it's 1.

"Let's go. We were supposed to meet the girls at the pool 30 minutes ago." We all race around the house getting ready.  

Smoking a blunt and eating a handful of gummy worms are two different things.

Every minute feels like 50 in my head. I hear the sound of a nerf gun being shot followed by, "ZACHHH!!" I fall to the ground with laughter.

God, this is so bad.


Posting another tonight my loves❤️

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