Chapt 41✦ Past Mistakes

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"Since when do we bluntly allow enemies in this house." I open the door, leading into an office, where my brother is currently with Azazel.

"Apparently since Mama took it upon her self to invite every fucking italian on the west hemisphere." My brother responds and it's everything I can do not to throw my phone at his face.

"The vices aren't the only ones here." He hands me the guest list, everything looking nor
al at first. That's when I see Satan reincarnated.


"She's here."

"Yep." I immediately think about Nora. "I'm going to go get Nora. If you get any information on why the Vices would actually be here, that'll be great." I tell him and make my way back through the huge house.

One week away with my girl friend was apparently too much to ask because it turns out multiple enemies are here. Eating my mothers food. In our fucking house.

I usually don't spend time thinking about my problems but when those problems interact with the one thing I'm finding myself wanting to keep, I have a fucking problem with that.

Making my why through to the kitchen where I'm sure Mama is cooking something delicious, Angelina walks towards me, frustration all over her face.

"Axel, get your ex before I make her disappear." She tries to keep walking but I grab her, kissing her forehead. "Good to see you too."

I head into the kitchen to find my mother, my sister in law, my angel and the satan. I walk over to Mama, kissing her temple. "Smells good." I don't even look at Celeste.

Instead I focus on my angel looking like she wants to murder any and everyone. "Nora." I reach my hand out, she grabs it following me.

One we are out of the room, she speaks. "Did you know she was going to be here?" Her tone is different, she's pissed.

"No just found out." I lead her to a quiet room. "I don't like that she's here." She mumbles under her breath, crossing her arms. I turn her to me. "I know." I've seen Nora upset but this looks a little different. I don't think i've ever seen her like this.

"Let's just get outside so we don't seem rude." With that she walks around me and out the room. I follow her with my hands in my pocket.

Once outside, Alec joins me as Arya and Rosalina go up to Nora having a conversation. It's quiet as Alec and I just watch them interact.

"If she fucks up my week....I'm going to kill her." I don't need to say more. "I'll bury the body." That earns a laugh from me and then from him.

"You think she's here to cause trouble." We walk towards the lunch tables outside, "Celeste never stops. She never stops playing games. So yes. I think she wants to cause trouble whether it's a huge threat or just to piss me off." I release and he nods.

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