Chapt 7 ✦ Stalker

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Putting on my black dress, I look around for my curling iron. "Leila give me my shit" I yell and she laughs. "NO" I groan at her response. "SIENNA" I yell like a snitching child.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP" Sienna yells and she hands me her curling wand. We all listen music as we all get ready. "I'm back bitches" Marina yells from getting the drinks and weed.

"I'll pour the drinks if someone rolls" She says and Leila volunteers to roll a blunt. I curl my hair and start to do my make up. "I'm so excited" Sienna says and I turn to her.

"Since when? You usually don't like to go" I say and she nods. "Yeah but I kind of want to get out there. I just don't know where to start." She says.

"We'll I'm proud that you are willing to try. We just have to find someone that is as mature as you." I state and she puts her hands up. "You don't have to do that. If someone likes me they will come." She says confidently.

"I think I ruin everything" I say honestly and she leans her head against the door frame. "Nathan told me you guys had dinner with your family" She says softly.

"I just don't know why she can't just accept me. For me. She makes me feel like i'm not worth anything." I stammer as a i put my eyeliner on.

"We'll get that out of your head. Everything takes time and patience. Your mother will come around soon." She grabs my hand before we hear a glass break. She looks at me and holds up a finger. "What are you two doing?" She yells as she walks over to them.

I look at myself in the mirror. 'I'm not worthless' I think to myself. God, I need to smoke or drink.

Shit or both.

"Can I have a shot?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen. I grab two shots and throw them back quickly.

"Do not try to drink your feelings away." Siennna says and I look at her.

"Just one more drink, yeah?" I ask innocently. "Fine, one more. I can't deal with all 3 of you fucked up"

I grab the entire bottle of vodka before chugging back 6 huge gulps. "NORA! That is not what one more means." She grits, snatching the bottle out of my hand as I feel the burning sensation travel down my throat.

Leila walks over with the lit blunt and she passes it to me. I take like 5 hits before passing it to Marina. "We'll you should get high. At least then, you will be able to." Marina says and Sienna snatches the blunt from Marina.

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