Chapt 46 ✦ Taken

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"You are ready, stop stressing." I say, rubbing Nora's shoulders from behind her, she takes shallow breaths. "No need to worry, you are going to beat her ass." She laughs a little, pulling out one of her EarPods.

"You know I can still hear you right?" She turns to me with that beautiful smile before turning back around. The crowd seems to be getting louder and louder.

"I'm not sure, I'm prepared for what happens after I win." What's going to happen after is Jane's death. A gruesome, long and well deserved one for what she's put her through.

"Let me worry about that, you just focus on punching her until you can't feel your knuckles anymore and then you'll come home, we'll ice them and then you'll get a reward for fucking the bitch up." I whisper against her neck, placing small kisses.

I'm so drunk off her.

"Axell." She worms her way out of my hold and I raise my hands in defense. I can't help that she looks fucking amazing.

Her hair in two braids, her sports bra and shorts on, she truly is a fucking vision and It makes me want to take her somewhere else than here but nonetheless she wants this and I want it for her.

Guzman comes into the room, nodding at me. He tells Nora to sit in front of her and she pulls her headphones out.

"Vanessa has nothing on Jane. I need you to be careful. She is smart and she probably has studied all your moves so you need to be strategic." He fills her in and then kisses her forehead.

"I am so proud of you, no matter if you win or lose. Understand? We have been on this journey for years and I'm so proud because I know you are going to beat her, you just have to think it through." She hugs him quickly before wiping underneath her eyes.

"Since when did you become such a big sap." She stands up, "When I started raising you." He responds as he walks towards the door. "5 minutes and then your on." She nods as he shuts the door warning me Nora's full attention.

She turns to me, pinning me with those eyes. Those siren eyes of hers that could make me melt if I was the melting type. Which I am not.

However the moment she looks at me, I know she's going to ask for something.

"Promise me you won't kill her if she hits me too hard." I roll my eyes because I will make no such promise. If I see her on the floor, hurt....then all I can say is hasta la vista to the bitch because there's no way she's making it out of this fucking building if she gets hurt.

She makes her way to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. "Promise me pleaseee." I look down at her puppy dog eyes, I couldn't say no to this women even if I tried.

"How about I promise to let you handle it until you tell me to handle it." I offer and she kisses me. "Fine, now get out so I can focus." She pushes me and I laugh as I walk out into the hall, making my way down to the crowd of screaming people.

Zach, Damien, Leila, Marina and Sienna save me a spot in the front. "This is going to be tough to watch, isn't it?" Zach asks and Sienna speaks up.

"Let's just say it'll be a miracle if Axel isn't in the ring by the second round." She sounds pissed, actually now that I think about it, all of the girls do.

"What's wrong with them?" Damien and Zach both shrug to my question. Jane is introduced and I thought the crowd was loud before.

"I can't wait to see her whoop her ass." Marina speaks up with her arms crossed. They announce Nora and I thought I've heard these girls yell before. I was irrevocably wrong.

The women are told to touch gloves and the smirk on Jane's face had me already wanting to break my promise. They dance around the ring for a few moments before Jane throws her first punch, Nora's hands go up but she still gets her chest.

My smart angel uses that hit to gain some space on her before hitting her across the face. By the third round, They are through straight jabs at each other. I don't think i've ever seen her hit so hard.

Jane throws another punch but this time it misses. "BEAT HER ASS NORA!" Leila screams as she cheering. Jane getsher into a corner and as soon as I move, she gets out the corner, looking directly at me.

As if she's telling me she's okay.

She brings her attention back to Jane and it looks like they converse words as Nora's face scrunches in anger and she punches her in the stomach a few times, Jane somehow swings around and starts punching Nora in the ribs.

Each hit more dirty than the last. Come on Nora, do not make me shoot her. My leg is bouncing, my heart is racing as I watch her in pain. Marina puts her hand on my arm.

"It's okay. She's got it. I promise." She goes back to the match, yelling but I can't watch. One more punch from Jane and I'm sure to be done.

When I finally open my eyes to Nora tripping Jane somehow. On top of her she hits harder and harder into Jane's face and it brings me nothing but joy I didn't know I needed until now.

She is absolutely taking out all of that anger on her face and I could be more here for it. Jane tries to get up but can't as Nora has her trapped underneath, but a small light gets my attention.

A mirrors reflection if I had to put a name on it.

Mindlessly I get up, leaving everyone at the spot we were at. I get around the corner to Celeste, leaning against the wall with a compact mirror on her hand. She clamps the mirror shut and stands up straight as I roll my eyes in disgust.

I'm not dealing with this shit right now.

I go to turn around but she holds Nora's bracelet on her finger, dangling it in front of me with no words. Just that stupid fucking smirk on her face when she knows she's in control of a situation. I don't speak as rush to grab her throat, ready to crush her trachea into pieces.

"B-before you do something stupid." She chokes. "I'd suggest you get in my car or your precious Nora will be dead. There's a sniper on her as we speak and unless you come with me, she's dead." My hand squeezes tighter and as much as I want to call her bluff, Celeste doesn't bluff.

She prided herself on it.

If she said she's going to do something then she's going to fucking do it. "It's you or her." She does nothing to stop me from killing her. Which lets me know she's not fucking around.

"Not my orders." They never were even if she wanted to kill Nora. She wouldn't do it unless there's a price tag on it.

"Who hired you." My voice dangerously low and the trembling between my fingers coming from Celeste let me know she's aware. "You know that's not how this works Axel. Get in the car. We'll talk when we get there. Oh and put this on." She holds up a blindfold, rubbing her neck as I let her go.

I grab the blindfold and sigh. A blindfold. Really. "The bracelet stays." I need Nora to know something happened and I didn't just leave however Zach and Damien will put it together. Celeste rolls her eyes, unimpressed.

"Fine." She tosses it into the air and it lands somewhere. "If she wants it, she can find it." She walks out the building and as I follow I hear the bells ring, the crowd yelling and screaming, announcing Nora has won and taken the title.

Good job, Angel.


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My first book is about to hit 20k!!! Prayfully we will be hitting 20k before my birthday🤍

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