Chapt 30 ✦ The Morning After

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When I wake up, I catch myself smiling

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When I wake up, I catch myself smiling. Thinking about all the events of last night, I look over to see Axel asleep next to me.

I move a piece of hair out of his face, staring at him. He loves me. He's in love with me. I don't even think I know what that entirely means.

All I know is I've never felt like this about anyone ever. I get up and realize he slipped a huge t shirt on me as I make my way out of bed.

I go to the kitchen and grab some juice out of the refrigerator. I smile at just the amount of juice he has. 7 jugs of all different types of juice.

I go to clean up my clothes and his that are everywhere. I want to make sure everything is clean when he gets up.

I wish I knew how to cook. I look through his cabinets and find some cereal. I pour it into a bowl and grab the milk from the fridge.

I put the milk into the bowl and grab a spoon, carefully walking back to the room. I sit next to him, nudge him with my elbow. My anticipation reaching its peak.

"Axel wake up." I nudge again, he doesn't move. "Axel" Nothing. "Axel! I'm bleeding help me." He shoots up and I start laughing.

He looks at me, squinting his eyes. "Oh really?" He starts to move. "Wait Axel!" I try to move but he grabs me causing the bowl of cereal to fall onto us.

We sit absolutely still.

My hand on my mouth and my other holding the now empty bowl. I try not to laugh. "Oh my. I was trying to tell you that I have cereal in my hand." I hold it together for a few seconds before laughing hard.

"Why do you have cereal?" He looks at the bowl. "I don't know how to cook but I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed" I smile and he slaps his head. He gets up and grabs the pillows and sheets off the bed.

He walks it to his washer and dryer, I'm assuming as I sit and wait. He walks back into the room and picks me up, carrying me to the kitchen.

"I'm going to show you how to cook so this shit never happens again" We both laugh as he places me down. He grabs some eggs and some bacon out of the fridge, placing it on the counter.

He cracks the egg to show me how to do it. Not that I don't know how, I've just only cracked like two in my life.

"Okay your turn." He passes me the egg. This can't be that hard. I raise the egg before slamming it down to crack it.

It spills everywhere and he rubs his hands down his face. "Nora, your mother never taught you how to cook?" He asks staring at me like I'm crazy. "No. She tried to show me..when I failed the first time she never tried again." I respond.

"What do you eat?" He asks in disbelief. "Things that can be cooked in the microwave. Unless my mother cooks it."

He gets behind me, grabbing another egg. "Just do exactly what I say." He whispers in my ear. His hand over mine as we crack the egg and drop it in the pan.

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