Chapt 17 ✦ Advice

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We get to the house and I pick her up carrying her inside. "You are acting like I'm broken" She crosses her arms and I roll my eyes.

"You are such a brat" I state and she gasps causing me to laugh. "I am not" She tries to defend herself as I'm still laughing.

"Okay whatever you say" I respond. I place her down on the couch and she looks like she's about to shit herself. "Can I drink?" She asks me.

"What would you like?" I ask as I walk to the kitchen. "Got any vodka?" She asks and I grab a bottle of vodka from my cabient.

I walk over to her with the poured cup of vodka, sitting down. I hand her the cup and she immediatly throws it back. Something is definetly going on.

"You alright there?" I ask and she nods lightly. "Uh yeah, I just have two questions to ask you and I need alcohol in my system to do it." She finishes and I let out a small laugh.

"Why?" I ask and she shurgs her shoulders. "You afriad I'm going to turn you down or something?" I respond and she shrugs again. She is too fucking adorable.

I never really met anyone who cared about my opinion as much as she does.

"You can ask me anything. You don't have to be nervous." I try to reassure her and she smiles lightly.

"Umm My mother is holding a little dinner event and I wanted to know if you would join me?" She asks quietly. "Yes of course, why would that be so bad?" I ask and she takes a deep breathe before sitting up.

"My mother isn't my biggest fan as I've told you. so she will probably make sly remarks or could possible direct anything to you." She looks down almost ashamed.

I grab her chin, turning her face to mine. "I can handle it. It can't be worse then how my father was trust me. I'm invested in you, Nora. That means all parts including your family." I tell her and she leans forward, kissing me.

"Okay and the other questions?" I ask and she nods. "My friends wanted to know if you wanted to join us for a week cabin party in about 4 months." I say and he nods.

"Do I get to room with you?" I ask and she nods. "Then absoulutly" I respond and she claps a little. "Thank you for today and every other day. You are really sweet and kind." She says and I scoff.

Yeah to her. To everyone else, I'm as cold as it gets.

"You might be the only person that sees me that way." I confess.

"Then I'm glad you only show me this part of you. Makes me feel special" She adds and I smile. "Because you are special" I say as I get up, making my way to the kitchen. I grab a plastic bag and put ice in it.

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