Chapt 11 ✦ Conference

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"Guys, this is Axel" I say to my friends. "This is Marina, Sienna and the dealer is Leila." I point everyone out.

"It's nice to meet all of you" I state and we all indulge in conversation. Two men come up behind him and Marina starts laughing.

"Damien?" Sienna asks.

"Sienna" He responds smiling.

"Zach?" Leila asks as she shuffles cards.

"Leila" Zach responds.

I look at Axel and then back to my friends. "Hold on, the guy you and you are his" I stutter.

"Yes" The girls both answer and Marina sits in a chair laughing. "Well this is kinda cool, that we all know each other." Sienna adds. "I didn't know my best friends had interest" Axel looks at them and they kind of look a little worried. "Okay well guys I'm beat. I think I'm going to go home." I say. "But I dont get off until later. How will you get home?" Leila asks. "I will take her home." Axel responds. "You don't have to" I add and he smiles.

"Don't forget I'm crashing at your place tonight." Marina says. "Okay, i'll see you soon" I respond as Axel grabs my hand and we head to the doors.

We get outside and the valet brings his car around. "You should let me drive" I state and he chuckles hard. "No" He laughs hard. I don't think I've ever seen him laugh that hard before. "You look gorgeous" He cuts my thoughts off. "Oh thank you" I respond and he starts driving.

 "Oh thank you" I respond and he starts driving

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We get to the apartment and he opens my door. "God, I hate heels. Like loathe them." I whine and he picks me up bridal style. "Axel, you don't have to carry me" I smile as he rolls his eyes. "Just accept it"

We get to my door and I unlock it. "Want something to drink?" I invite him to come in. He comes in looking around at the place. "You have good taste and what do you have?" He says as he walks into the kitchen with me. "Mainly juice, I'm kind of a kid" I laugh and he smiles at me as I open some juice for myself.

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