Chapter 37 - Marry me pls

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Chris smiled, "No sir, actually I want to ask for your daughter hand in Marriage".
"Hmph, you know Tina already as a child, Hope you are aware of that?", Papatina asked Chris.
"Yes Sir am aware, I love your daughter, as well as her child, and I want to marry her too", Chris replied.
"Hmph.. Well am not Tina, did you discuss Marriage with her before now", Papatina asked looking intently at Chris,
"Well not really Sir, but I told her about my feelings", -
"Feelings and Marriage are two different things, and as Tina already as a child, I will still like you to give it a proper thought if you really want to marry her, or you just admire her, but first let me call Tina.. ", Papatina said and turned his gaze to Mamatina to go and call Tina to let her know about Chris visit and his intentions.

When Mamatina got to the backyard were tina was washing and almost thru, she grabbed Tina hands, startling Tina and dragged her to a corner and spoke,
"Tina, what is going on between you and Chris",
"What do you mean mom, I don't understand" Tina asked looking innocently,

"Don't tell me that, Am your mother, what's going on between you two?", Mamatina asked Tina angrily.
"Mom, why are you these upset, Chris is just my friend nothing much",
"Nothing much you say, yet the young man is here asking for your hands in Marriage", Mamatina fumed,
"Wait mom, Chris is here.. "Tina smiled happily wanting to go in and see Chris, but her mother was still holding her hands as she dragged Tina back, startling Tina again.

"Mom what is it, let me go and say hi to him, since when did he come", Tina wanted to ask more but her mother shut her up,
"Will you shut up your mouth, Since when did he come.. bla bla bla",
Tina frowned "..."
"Mom what's wrong", Tina managed to ask her mother, as she can see her mother was angry and behaving strangely unlike the mother she used to know

"Look Tina, Whatever it is you have with Chris, you have to stop it and call it off.. "
"Why mom" -
"Just listen to me and tell him you can't marry him",
"But mom, Why should I tell him that, Did he ask for my hand in Marriage".
"Tina just do as you are told, later I will explain my reason to you, but for now go in your father is calling you".
Mamatina didn't give Tina chance to ask her more questions or her reasons as to why she just came out now and started telling her not to marry Chris. Tina then went in to go answer her father and she saw Chris seated smiling at her as she came in.

"Good afternoon"Tina greeted Chris, as she managed to smile at him after been scolded by her mother. Chris suspected probably Mamatina had told Tina something when she went in to call Tina, as Tina doesn't really look cheerful and happy as usual whenever she saw him, but then Papatina asked Tina, to take a seat. Papatina then went further to tell Tina why he called her from what she was doing,

"Tina, You know this young man here, don't you?",
"Yes Papa, I do", Tina answered her father, shortly after sitting down.
"Well he said he will like to take you with him to the city and will like to sponsor you back into the university, but you know you can't just go with him, because his a man and he has desire, hope you understand what I mean", Papatina said shifting his gaze from Tina to Chris as he talked with Tina.

"Yes Papa I do", - Tina answered her father shyly
"Okay, So do you like him and wants to marry him", Papatina asked Tina, Looking at her as then Mamatina already came in seating next to Papatina.
Tina became nervous, She looked from her mother, to her father and to Chris. When she stared at Chris she smiled saying,
"Yes Papa, I like him and will marry him",
Mamatina was shocked and stared at her daughter in disbelief, she interfere immediately,
"Tina you will do no such thing as marry him",
Mamatina yelled to all their hearing.

"What as come over you woman?", Papatina asked his wife, looking at Mamatina in disbelief, he continued,
"Are you the one to get married or is Tina?".
Mamatina couldn't contain herself as she spoked,
"Tina can't marry him", pointing her finger at Chris, While Chris looked more embarrassed at the moment.

"Why..?, Why can't she?", Papatina asked his wife looking disappointedly at Mamatina.
Mamatina shrugged, she didn't want to explain her reason, she just repeated,
"Tina can't marry Chris that's all I know, they can be friends but she won't marry him",

"Enough woman!", Papatina shut his wife up, and Mamatina stood up and left the parlour angrily, While Papatina apologize to Chris on his Wife behalf, He still told Chris to think properly about the marriage proposal and not rush things, and also told Chris when Chris is ready he should bring his people for the marriage rite to take place, while Papatina and Tina escorted Chris to his car, then Papatina returned back inside leaving just Tina and Chris at the spot Chris had earlier parked his Car.

Chris stared at Tina, he had been quiet all thru after been embarrassed by Tina's mother, but that didn't still deter him from his choice of marrying Tina, he was happy at least Tina's father was more of a considerate and calm man, unlike her mother.
"Am sorry", Tina apologies to Chris after her father left them to go in,
"Sorry for what," Chris asked as he turned back and stared at Tina,
"For what happened in there", Tina said faintly.

Chris drew her closer to him, then he lifted her chin and he spoked,
"You shouldn't be sorry, She your mom , and she might have her own personal reason or opinion, but all that matter is us and what we truly feel for eachother", Pausing and continuing Chris said,
"I love you Tina, I really love you, I should had gone back to City A, since last week but I couldn't, I know I will miss you, but am selfish enough and longing to spend some more time with you before my return", Then he kissed Tina lightly on her lips,
"I will miss you Tina, how I wish your Dad can allow me take you with me to the city", Chris said, while Tina smiled at him staring at him with her beautiful brown eyes.
"Take good care of yourself for me okay, and don't fall for any guy in this village okay, I will be back soon", Chris said as he bide her goodbye and told her he will give her a call when he gets to the city, as his leaving to the city after leaving her place.
Tina hug him and kissed him on his cheeks goodbye, while Chris closed the car door and drove away.

Mamatina as been staring at them from her room window, she was really angry seeing them doing lovey-dovey in the car, she waited for Tina to return back in to the house before she pounce on her daughter for disobeying her.

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