Chapter 85 - Feeling sick

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Patrick returned back to City A he had an emergency work to do, it was a multi million dollars project he was signed to do, the lunch date was the same date he had travelled home to see Mamatina concerning Tina's disappearance with his son.

When he got to his office he could barely concentrate as he kept wondering if truly Tina had ran away with her boyfriend. He remembered how Tina use to tell him that she has a boyfriend, she wants to call her boyfriend, her boyfriend bought for her the phone he had wanted to seize, Patrick sighed.

He wondered she could have at least told him that she doesn't want him him and wants her boyfriend, why was she like this, why didn't she open up to him that she wasn't in love with him and she as someone she love more than him. Instead she melted at his touch, yearning for him to touch her, kissing him like she truly love him but couldn't brave up to tell him.

Sitting in his office Patrick couldn't concentrate. He got a call from his father that his elder brother had finally return home since more than ten years he had left home to join the military, it was a good news and Patrick was happy that at least his mother focus on him will shift now to his elder brother, as his mother had kept on disturbing him for grandchildren, since her son has money.

Patrick went on carrying out the foreign project he and his team had to design, his personal assistant couldn't handle such a deal, to avoid any mistake or faulty project, he manage to concentrate too, and after he was done he left for his team and apprentice to tidy up and finish up the remaining designs as he had done the most important design needed and it was beautiful.

Patrick went back to his office to continue his office work and check for more other important projects that has been left pending since when he travelled, he wanted to finish all of his project, and possibly incoming project so he will have enough time to search for Tina and know what she truly want

Chris arrived home late as it was already getting dark, when he got in he saw that Tina had already slept off with her son, he went in to his room to change and take a quick shower.

Coming out he already bought a fast food as he does not have strength to prepare any food and Tina as refused cooking for him, unless he give her, her phone to call back her parents.

Chris went to Tina's room to wake her up, so they can eat their night food together, waking up from sleep, Tina stared at him, and sat up, she as been looking weak of lately and Chris doesn't like that.

"Wake up we need to eat something for the night, or have you eaten?", Chris asked her.

"No..", Tina yawned stretching her hand, she said to him, "am not hungry".

"Why, what's wrong with you?", Chris asked her, looking a bit worried as he tried to touch her neck and feel her body temperature if it was hot.

"Don't touch me Chris, have told you to borrow me your phone let me call mama, so she will know am alright yet you have refused, do you think she would be happy not hearing from me for more than a week plus now", Tina agitated.

"It okay, I will soon let you go home, but I just want us to spend more quality time together, besides we will soon get married and you ain't even doing anything to make me happy", Chris said to her

"Anything like what?", Tina asked him innocently,

"Anything like what lovers do, or don't you love me anymore?", Chris asked her, and Tina suddenly became quiet.

Chris stood up and came to her side, and sat with her on her bed, he spoke softly to her,
"Honestly Tina, I really love you, that's why I brought you here to come stay with me, and for us to spend more quality time together", Chris touched Tina cheek and she tried looking away.

He sat very closer to her on her bed, then Chris turned her face to face him, and kiss her on her lips, wanting to deepened the kiss when Tina suddenly felt repulse like her stomach tighten and she wanted to throw up, she immediately pushed Chris away, startling him as she hurriedly ran to the restroom to throw up.

Tina vomited all the food she had eaten at noon, still feeling weak, Chris frowned walking up to meet her at restroom,
"What's up with you Tina, as it gotten to that now, so because I kissed you that's why you are vomiting right?", patting her gently on her back to stop vomiting.

Tina calmed down and turned and look at him,
"Am sorry Chris, have been feeling a little sick I don't think it as something to do with the kiss, probably is malaria, you know how the village is"..

"Fine just rinse your mouth, then you come let eat, okay, tomorrow I will go and get you malaria drug, the pharmacy stores could have close by now". Chris then help Tina gently to come sit on the bed, he observe, she will be to tired to come join him on the dinning table, so Chris ask her to wait for him in her room, while he went to serve their food.

Tina was too tired to even feed her son, so Chris had no other choice than to feed the little boy whom woke up, due to the aroma of food he perceived and the noise he was hearing.

After helping Tina feed her son, Chris had to put the small boy back to sleep, before he could eat his own food, when he was thru , he told Tina that he will like to take her around tomorrow as it will Sunday, before going back to work on Monday, but Tina was too tired to even hear him, she already slept off after finishing her food.

Chris observe her and saw she already slept off, he decided to allow her rest, after finishing his own food he went back to his room and decided to check his phone.

He saw passed missed call from Mella, and checking the time now, he knew she would have slept off, he thought, "probably she's calling to check if I have gotten home", Chris smiled to himself remembering how sweet and wild Mella was in bed, he really love it and wished Tina could have made him felt better like that. But no, Tina is too stubborn to see his desire.

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