Chapter 50 - Apologize to him

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"What was that drama you displayed there all about?" Mamatina asked immediately she got into to her childrens room as it was a two bedroom apartment her husband had built before,

"Mama I don't want to see him, why didn't you tell me he was the one coming?" Tina refute

"Will you shut up you mouth Tina, I should tell you, so you should do what?" Mamatina asked looking irritated at her daughter,

Tina sat down, and put Godsent down, while she stretched her legs forward wanting to go lay down on the bed.

"Tina am talking to you, what was the meaning of that rubbish drama you just displayed, did you realize the man is still Godsent father?"

"Mama I don't care about that, I don't love him and I do not want to have anything to do with him , I don't know why his here in the first place, and you can't force me to go see him or be with him let him just leave as he had come" Tina replied her mother throwing her face away to the opposite direction not wanting to stare directly into her mother's eye while she refused going back to the parlour.

Mamatina stared at her daughter for some minute before she speak,

"Tina no one is forcing you to go be with him, at least you should had showed some manners or home training before insulting that young man, or do you think you are the only beautiful girl he had seen, you owe him an apology for such rude behavior you just displayed, disrespecting I and your father and walking out on us", Mamatina reprimanded and insisted Tina as to go back and apologize.

Tina still refused and the her younger brother Jude came in and told her their father was calling her, Tina finally stood up and went back to answer her father, leaving her mother and Godsent behind.

"Tina do you know this young man?", Papatina asked his daughter after previously having a few conversation with Patrick when his wife had gone in to confront Tina for walking out on them

"Yes Papa I know him", Tina replied not wanting to look at Patrick.

"Do you also know why his here?", Papatina asked his daughter

Tina frowned not truly knowing why Patrick came, as she only remember he had told her he will want to visit her family house on Sunday.
"No papa, I don't know why his here".

"Good, then at least you should have known why he came before refusing to see him or walking out on him", Papatina said

"Am sorry Papa",

"It okay my child".

Then Papatina asked Tina to seat, while he continued his speech,
"Tina, this young man here told me his the father of your son is that true?".

Tine frowned looking from her father to Patrick, their eyes meet as Patrick didn't know Tina will raise her face to look at him,
"Yes Papa, is true".

"Hmph, Okay, he said his family will like to see you and their grandchild too, as per their custom demands, that a man can't have a child outside Marriage with a woman he wasn't married too, and if the man still goes on having a child outside Marriage he must marry the child's mother so the child wouldn't be a bastard".

Tina frowned hearing what her father just said, she refused immediately,
"Papa I can't marry him, I have someone else I want and wish to marry".

"Shut up your mouth this girl"Mamatina rebuke Tina,

"Is okay woman, let her speak" Papatina replied his wife, while Patrick also frowned hearing what Tina just said, he assumed Tina might be in a relationship with another guy for her to still harbor such hatred and disgust towards him, he was quiet and didn't say anything as he sat down there with his junior sister whom also withness everything, she could tell Tina doesn't love her brother and she wander how come the cute baby she was seen in Mamatina's arm, who look so much like her big bro, she was also quiet observing the whole drama.

"Well Patrick right?", Papatina said turning back to Patrick, he continued,

"You see I wasn't around when I got the news of my daughter pregnancy and I don't know what transpired between both of you that led to the child, but all I can understand now is that you want to fulfill you village custom and tradition, but you see, I can't force my daughter to marry you too fulfill you village custom,but I will advise you give her a little time for both of you to amend things before proceeding with the Marriage rite, obviously I haven't given out her hand in Marriage yet even though she had brought someone, but I might reconsider if you both can work things out because of my grandchild Godsent, that's all I can say for now".

Patrick frowned a little hearing that Tina already brought someone she wants to marry, he couldn't believe his ears to though, but he did not doubt it as he knew Tina is very beautiful and some other men could also be lounging to have her as their girlfriend or wife.

Patrick thanked Papatina as he stood up to take his leave, Mamatina escorted him and his sister with Godsent in her arm. Mamatina had obviously forgive Patrick as she can see the young man dearly loved her daughter, and probably that was what lead to him having impregnated her daughter, she sighed.

Arriving to where Patrick had parked his G-class Jeep, Mamatina apologize to Patrick on Tina's behalf,

"My son, don't be offended with my daughter, I will try and talk to her, I don't know why she's still behaving like that, but I will try my best to talk her out of it"

"Is okay mama, I understand", Patrick replied sadly, while his sister went to Mamapatrick and carried little Godsent whom wanted to refuse her from carrying him, Amanda carried the cute little boy gently as she played with him,

"His such a cutie", Amanda said as she brought out her phone and snapped and took several pictures with Godsent asking Godsent to smile.

Tina came out and saw Amanda taking pictures with her son, her eyes meet with Patrick eye, whom was looking at her, but she ignored him and went back inside knowing that Patrick won't take her son away from her, she went inside.

Amanda already fell in love with her cute nephew she asked,
"Big bro can we take him home with us?"
Patrick looked at Godsent and to his sister he said
"No, not today".

Amanda didn't want to let go of Godsent, she admire him so much, Godsent was even fair than Tina, and almost white with thick brown hair, only that he resembles Patrick.

Amanda finally let go and handed over Godsent back to his grandma, Mamatina whom stood watching them, as Patrick already said they have to be going now.

Amanda, brought some bundle of money from her purse and asked Mamatina to use it and buy biscuits for her nephew and she entered Patrick's Jeep, and they both left back to their village.

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