Chapter 86 - Looking around Town

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The following Sunday morning, wasn't a good one for Chris at all, as Tina as been exhibiting symptoms of been too sick, he had to rush to the pharmacy bear by to get her drug, he feared nothing bad to happen to her.

After taking some of the medic Chris bought for her body calm,
"What's wrong with you Tina, is this how fair people react to malaria, you are scaring me?", Chris questioned her at noon after her face and body brightened and as calmed unlike the early morning symptoms.

Tina smiled hearing what Chris just said, she spoke to him,
"Maybe, I don't know, but I feel am better now, thanks for the medicines", Tina thanked him, smiling sweetly at him.

"It okay, at least you feel better now, so how about our hangout today, I was telling you yesterday but you already slept off, will you like to see around town today, like visit some places here in City A?",

Tina looked at him, "yeah, I will like too, since I came we have been indoor, and you just imprisoned me like am a prisoner".

Chris laughed out hearing her he respond, "you are no prisoner dear, just that I don't want you going out when am not around , you know, you might not know your way around, and to avoid getting lost".

Tina hit him gently on his stomach and raise up her head from his thighs, she sat up saying, "what do you take me for Chris?",while Chris laughed out. It been long they had good time together.

Chris brought her back for a hug, and he spoke gently to her,
"Fine, go and dress up, I will change my clothes, let just stroll around and visit some eatery, you know Godsent will come with us", Chris said to Tina.

"Sure I know, I will wear him from some of the clothes you bought for him, thanks".

Tina went in to freshen up, when she was thru, she came out with Little Godsent looking all dressed up and sweet, even without any makeup applied.

Chris walk to her, and hug her from behind, praising her with sweet words,"you looking sweet my angel", then Chris planted a soft kiss on her neck, turning to face her, he said,
"Even without makeup you looking cute, I hope they won't snatch you from me, you looking captivating and breathtaking", The kiss lifted her chin and kiss her lip.

Since Chris had bought those beautiful dress for Tina, she has not worn them except for today they will be going out.

Chris took Tina around town in City A, he never drove to the heart of City A, he feared he might bump into Patrick, and he's not ready to let Tina go yet.

Tina was amaze at how the City looked, it wasn't compared to the few parts she had seen on her phone, it was indeed very bigger and beautiful than her village.

Chris had brought her to the City at night, so she didn't really know what the city really looked like until now that she was out and seeing how beautiful and elegant each house stood.

"You like the view right", Chris asked her

"Yes, it very beautiful, compared to the village", Tina replied him sweetly.

"Yeah the village is still under develop, it can't be compared", Chris explained.

"How about the heart of City A?", Tina asked him, "I have seen and read that the Elites live there, ever since I joined the social media netizens".

Chris gulped and became a little quiet, until Tina stare at him,
"Yeah, the Elite and billionaires truly lived there, it more expensive to live there, due to the tight security, and those who ain't living in the heart of City A, can't just enter the heart, except you have their security pass". Chris managed to explain, wondering how and when Tina joined the netizens.

Tina started wondering silently to her self, 'so that's where Patrick now live', "Hmph.. ", Tina sighed.

"When did you join the netizens?, I have never seen you, and you didn't bother to tell me, so I can add you up", Chris asked her , just as he pulled over to a beautiful eatery and parked his car at their car park.

"Mm, I joined like three weeks or let me say last month before we came here, it been long, after my son birthday I joined the social media app, my friend advice me too", Tina said smiling sweetly.

"Hmm okay, we arrived let go in".

Chris came out first and went to the other side of the car to open the car door for Tina, even though she could open it herself, he decided too.

Chris held Tina's hand as she carry her son and the walked in to the eatery. Chris ordered fries, chicken peppersoup and some non-alcoholic wine, while he ordered a plate of jollof rice with beef for Tina and her son.

Tina was very beautiful, so when she walked in to the restaurant, she attracted a lot of eyes looking at her and admiring her beauty, especially her fair-white cute son, he has always magnetted a lot of eyes to himself, even at the village. He was very cute and very fair, so most young women like admiring him and wishing to have a cute baby like him. Some others at the eatery even wave to Tina, startling Tina, she look back after taking a seat on a table of three that was empty.

Chris came back and told her they where bringing the orders. And he sat on the opposite seat. Chris could fell other guys in the eatery, where looking at Tina lustfully despite being their babe. Obviously Tina was very hot and a little chubby with her curvy figure and light skinned complexion so who wouldn't lust after her.

Chris started a conversation with her while they waited for the waitress to serve their orders,
"So what's your username?", Chris asked her, giving Tina his phone to type in her user name of her social media accounts.

Tina typed her name, and Chris search, and her account already surpassed hundred thousand plus followers. Chris gulped seeing that, he looked at her and asked,
"Hundred thousand plus, in not up to two months, wow", Chris went thru the photo Tina had posted they where indeed beautiful, but the cloths looked to hot and expensive as well, he asked her,

"Who owns the cloth you putting on, it looks too expensive?, I wouldn't believe you bought this in the village".

Tina nearly choked on her food, as the waitress already serve them, just that Chris was still going thru her photos online,

"Mm, hmm, my cousin, yes my cousin Chika, the one my mom took me to their place while I was pregnant, my Aunt daughter, she gave them to me", Tina lied to him not wanting to tell him, the clothes where given to her by Patrick's sister.

"Really, they are very beautiful and looks sweet on you, no wonder the likes and followers, it okay, let's eat".

Chris believe her lie and didn't ask further, they ate silently and after they where thru, they went to the cinema to watch movies.

Chris got a call from Mella, he told her he wasn't around that he went out and they will definitely see tomorrow,
"Take good care of yourself okay, am with a friend now, bye."

Tina didn't ask him whom was calling when he came back to join her in watching the movie, she was so glued to the movie showing that she did not even notice when Chris left to answer his call until he returned back to his seat, she asked,

"Oo! You went out, I didn't even notice"

"Yeah, I went to answer a business call".. Chris told her.

Tina did not have Television at home, as they do not have power supply at home, and her mother never allowed them go watch in their neighbor place. She only got to see a proper view of how huge a television is at Patrick's home, in the City, where Patrick first made love to her, and his mansion in the village, and she really love watching it.

Although Chris had television too, but she barely watch it because she was angry at him.

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