Chapter 39. The New Phase

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Patrick has been busy with lots of work and business proposal in City A, He runs a manufacturing company as most retailing company and distributors wants new demands in new golden and silver carve furnitures. Patrick Scott got international visitors as his brand trademark got higher in value and request. He got multiple Noble Awards and tag recognition in city A, as his designs where unique and on high demands.

Patrick hadn't had time to call Anita he had been busy, even on the last Noble Awards ceremony he had meet Anita's older brother, Whom schooled abroad in the States. Max had seen Patrick with his sister on photos and he has also searched Patrick out to discover Patrick runs an international company, He was jealous since Patrick was his age mate, he hated Patrick even before they meet at the Noble prize Award for Elite and top personality in city A.

Max attended the award ceremony on behalf of his father Mr Bright whom was busy with other schedules, and his sister claimed she was not going without telling him her reason.
Although Max recently came back some couple of months ago and he had been busy processing somethings and he didn't go home, as he got an apartment of his own away from his father's resident. He wants to have a private life even though Mr Bright was against him, been Mr Bright first son and heir , his father wants him close, at home and with the family.


Max didn't greet Patrick when they cross part at the event, he felt Anita didn't officially introduced them, even though Max was called by his full name, he felt less concerned if Patrick truly knew him or not.
Patrick just sat at his VIP seat and did not show any emotion as he watch others collect Awards before he was called and went on stage to collect his own Awards. Patrick won two awards though, for Best Young male entrepreneur, and Best International Brand Awards. Max was jealous he just had to wait for the event to end before leaving, while taking pictures at the Red carpet, he cross paths again with Patrick.

Patrick greeted him and he manage to answer,
"Hi, Good evening, you are from Mr Bright family, you must be Max, Anita told me so much about you", Patrick said as he was smiling friendly at Max.

"Yes, Nice to meet you Mr Patrick",
"Oh you can jus call me Patrick", Patrick said as they shook hands.
"How's your sister, I didn't see her here",
"Yeah she's fine, At home, doesn't want to come", Max said while he smiled at the cameras taking pictures of him and Patrick.
"Hmph, is well, send my warm regards to her, and tell her I asked of her", Patrick said calmly.

Max looked at Patrick like, 'Why will he ask me to send regards, what happened to your phone bro', he thought saying,
"Okay I will", as they took more photos with other top winners presents at the award ceremony.

Patrick had not called Anita since, after she left his mansion, when he told her about his son with Tina, he knew Anita must really be mad at him, but what would he do. He loved Anita, but still he can't compare what he felt for Tina to what he feel for Anita, the feelings where different.
The last time Patrick had seen Tina in the Village, when he went visiting her, his heart skipped a beat like it stopped, he felt magnetted to Tina, everything about her, he felt like grabbing her into his arms and kiss her hard on her wet lips, everything about Tina amaze him, her sexy curves, her eyes her complexion and her height, not too tall and not Short, as Anita was taller than Tina.

Patrick smiled think about Tina, he really love her, he thought it high time he go visit her family house, and see her parents as his mother did not allow him rest, Everytime his mother called him to ask him when will he bring her grandson home for her to see him, the last call, his mother was telling him, was it until she died that he will bring her grandchild home, Patrick had to promise her that he will and she won't die anytime soon.


Chris had returned back to City A, Although City A was very big with different local government areas yet, the Elites was in the heart of City A, Which was more developed and industrious than other parts of City A.

Chris decided to pay Patrick a visit though.
Although Chris hated Patrick ever since he discovered the girl he fell in love with and wants to marry is the same girl, Patrick had slept with and got pregnant in the past. he decide to visit Patrick to know if Patrick was still into Tina or he has forgotten about Tina and decided to move on with Anita.

While Chris got to Patrick Office, he was amaze at the new development in Patrick company, the security as become tight and to even see Patrick, one as to take protocol and search warrant before entering Patrick's office.

Chris murmured he could had just gone to Patrick's new mansion, but he just remembered he doesn't even know where Patrick now live because Patrick had told him, he had moved out from his old house because of thoughts of Tina.

Patrick was in a meeting with some of his Top Managing directors, and his personal assistant, while he brief them on the new design he had made. He had other apprentice too though working under him and learning from him, so he was a bit busy.

Chris had to wait, since he wasn't sure if he will be able to see Patrick when next he visit his office, unless he visit Patrick home.
After some few hours of waiting Patrick was thru in his meeting and had return back to his office, where he attended to some other business visitors, After that Chris came in.

"Long time Patrick!", Said Chris as he shook hands with Patrick.

"Wow,, nice to see you, it had been long though, since when did you come?", Patrick asked him as he sat down on his office chair opposite Chris.

"Hmph, quite some hour ago, but I decided to still wait and see you, I must saw, it every month your company is changing, wow", said Chris as he turned around smiling pretentiously at Patrick.

"Thanks man", Patrick smiled back
"So how have you been, What may I offer you?"
"Any cold wine , you know my favorite non acholic pls", Chris said calmly,
"Sure I know",Patrick said as he stood up and went to his bar in his office to get Chris his favorite Non-alcoholic wine.

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