Chapter 64 - Forgive my son

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Tina had totally forgotten about her phone that morning, she woke up and had more bed warming exercise with Patrick after he consoled her for what they both did the previous night.

All she couldn't think of that morning was how her life will be when she finally accept and forgives Patrick.  After taking her bath with the warm waters, she washed her clothes and spread it with the help of Amanda as those girls weren't friendly enough to show her where to spread her clothes.

Tina was very hungry that morning as she did not have energy to argue with those rude girls, she was lucky to have seen Amanda, she went in with Amanda after she was thru spreading her washed clothes, and met Patrick's father already seated with Patrick as both of them were discussing.

Tina did not see Patrick's father the previous evening she came with Patrick, the man wasn't looking old at all as he still looked smart and vibrant for his age. Tina greeted him politely as she entered the living room with Amanda.

Mr Scott, was a calm and peacefull man. When he had returned back the previous night, it was already late so he went in straight to his chamber, he shared with his wife, he was surprised to see a cute little baby sleeping on his bed in which he shared with his wife, although their bed was relatively large as it could contain 4-5 people, it seemed like a two in one bed, So when Mamapatrick came in he asked her,
"Whose baby is this?"

Mamapatrick smiled at him and told him, his their Grandson, Patrick's baby.

Mr Scott wonder what kind of a woman his son meet with to have such a white looking baby even.shining by that time of the night. Papapatrick said nothing as he went and lay over on the other side of the bed not to disturb the baby.

Mr Scott was stunned when he saw Tina, She was indeed very beautiful and now he understood why his son lost control of himself. He acknowledged Tina's presence and answered her greeting, Although Mr Scott wasn't really happy with what his son had done, but he was glad his son took responsibility for his acton,

"You are welcome my daughter, How are your people?", Papapatrick welcomed Tina as he asked her of her family.

Tina smiled at him and told him they were all fine, Papapatrick examine her looks and didn't ask her any further questions. Then later on they all went to the dinning to eat.

Tina was very brilliant in school so she was a little very composed that one wouldn't believe she was a native village brought up, she was smart and good-looking as well, that one might think she was the city or grew up in the city before her parents retired back to the village, but no.. Tina was a total village born and brought up. She ate her food silently feeling a little shy to eat with Patrick and his parents. Tina ate her food quickly while she went to give Godsent small of the rice sauce made by Patrick's mom.

After their meal, Patrick asked her to come see him in his room when she was thru.

But then Mamapatrick asked Tina to wait that she will like to discuss something with Tina, and maybe later Tina will go answer Patrick as they have both spent the night together.

After feeding Godsent, Tina went to know why Patrick's mother wanted to see her, she was lead by one of those rude maids to Patrick's mother chamber.

Tina knocked on the door and Mamapatrick asked her to come in.

"My beautiful daughter you are welcome please have s seat", Mamapatrick beacon Tina to seat then she spoke,

"Honestly am really happy to finally meet you, honestly my husband and I are not happy when we got to hear the news from our son that he as a child outside wedlock, and as our custom and tradition demands it a taboo for any man to have a child with someone he wasn't married too, and if there is already a child, he must marry the child's mother, whether he loves her or not", Mamapatrick spoked gently so Tina will understand her point.

"From the way my son as been behaving and rejected all the pretty girls I had brought to him I know truly he might have someone, but when we heard of the child, it compulsory we have to fulfil and pay all marital rites even if you do not wish to live with my son, his child can't be be a bastard, but as to bear his father's name, I hope you are understanding my point", said Mamapatrick, as she look intently at Tina's face to know Tina's reaction.

Mamapatrick was pretty much aware that the customs and tradition in Ujunwa is different from Ochanda and the rest neighboring village, but she does not want anything bad to happen to her son or grandson either if the needful wasn't done.

Tina didn't say anything, she was quite all thru, then Mamapatrick spoked to her again,
"Don't worry my daughter, we will treat you well and accept you as our own, but I know my son loves you very much, I raised him to be responsible I don't know what came over him as why he did what he did with you, he knows the custom, please find a place in your heart to forgive, okay"

"Okay ma", Tina replied the elderly woman, then Mamapatrick told her she can go see Patrick as she was aware Patrick has asked Tina to come see him when she was thru.

Tina stood up and left Mamapatrick chamber to go see Patrick. When she got to where Patrick was, She asked him,

"Am here, why did you request to see me?"

Patrick replied her as he stood up coming closer to where Tina stood,

"I will like to take you around the village to see around, how your soon husband to be village, looks like".

Then Patrick came closer to Tina hugging her from behind her back.

Tina didn't reject him anymore, she allow him touch her and hug her to himself, cuddling her while they stood talking. Tina told him,

"But I will like to go home, maybe when next I visit , I will see around,
Tina replied him, blushing as Patrick brought his face closer from her behind and kissed her neck and cheeks still hugging her back to his chest.

"Why don't you want to see around my village..  have you been here before?", Patrick asked her,

"Well I don't really know, but I think I have, when a friend of mine did her wedding".

Tina didn't want to tell Patrick, the person was not just a friend but her boyfriend whose only sister got married, she didn't want to say anything that might piss Patrick off as she also beginning to like him and how he pampered her.

"But I already called your mom and told her that you said you will like to stay with me till weekend"

"What!", Tina shouted, she got away from Patrick embrace and turned to look at him,
"When did you call her?",

"This morning she called me, and asked of you saying she had called you severally but you line wasn't connecting" Patrick replied her

"Oh my God, I still haven't brought out my phone from your car, is still in there", Tina turned and went to look at the garage to see if she can see her phone or bag in any of the car, as she couldn't recognize the main car, Patrick had used to visit her village yesterday .

Patrick was not with his keys so he said to her,
"Am coming let me go in and get my keys", Then Patrick went back to his quarters to get his car keys then he came back and opened the particular car he used door, and Tina took out her bag.

Her phone battery was getting low, so she quickly check for any missed call and was surprised to see many missed call, some were from her colleagues at her Madam shop while majority call was from Chris and her mother.

Patrick was still standing beside her so she couldn't call Chris back, it broke her heart as she suddenly looked pale, so she called her mother first. After that she kept her phone in her bag, Tina knew she wouldn't be able to talk comfortably with Chris's now she was with Patrick, so it was better she kept her phone away, and silenced it, and decided to call Chris later.

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