Chapter 96 - Arrested

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"Freeze! don't move", The police officer said to Chris as Chris stood up in shock, seeing what's going on in his home.

"Am from City A, Police command and you are Mr Chris Douglass, you are under arrest, for kidnap of one Miss Tina Praise and her son", The police officer said all in one go, and Chris stared at him in shock, speechless as he wondered whom could have found him out as the one responsible for Tina's disappearance.

Chris thought the last time he had visited Patrick, he never told Patrick anything to make Patrick suspicious of him, still wondering whom fished him out as the villain and got him arrested, Patrick came in just as the police officer handcuffed Chris, and wanted to drag Chris way.

Patrick stared at Chris with dagger eyes, his lips shaking, he wanted to grab Chris and punch Chris very hard on his nose, but the police officer immediately stopped him, but Patrick still grabbed Chris collars,

"How could you Chris? I trusted you to tell you all about myself but this is how you choose to repay me", Patrick spat on Chris face.

"Why should I let you have her, you have it all, money connection, you can have any other woman you want, why must you have Tina too..", Turning to the police officer Chris shouted, "Officers you need to arrest him too for rape and sexual assault, and for impregnating my girlfriend..", Chris yelled at the police officer trying to take him away.

"Shut up Mr Man",The police officer scolded Chris, as he warned Chris, "You have the right to remain silent, when we get to the station, you will write down your statements, now move!", The officers dragged Chris away, and one of the officer came back to remind Patrick to still come with them to the police station, but Patrick told them he will, let him see Tina first and his son.

The police officers left with Chris in their vehicle and drove away in the night back to the station.

Tina stood watching them, just now Chris was talking to her, just now he was arrested, her son was inside sleeping, so she was the only one whom withness the whole event, the domestic servant ran in back, out of fear.

Tina was more shock, surprise and left speechless as she saw Patrick came in, 'so his the one who came to arrest Chris', Tina thought as she couldn't continue to stare at patrick.

After the police left with Chris and asked Patrick to come see them, to process the case to court for judgement, Patrick thanked them and then Tina could feel his gaze on her as he walked up to Tina.

Seeing her sad looking face, Patrick felt sorry for her. His very happy to see her, although she look somehow sad and pale.

Patrick didn't take what Chris said to him just now seriously, that he impregnated his girlfriend .. he assumed maybe Chris was talking about his first child with Tina, and he knew he was wrong for taking advantage of her pride.

Patrick came closer to Tina, just a thin gap left in between them, he pulled Tina closer to his chest hugging her tight and patting her head as he spoke gently to her,
"Have missed you Tina, I really miss you, I feared maybe something wrong could have happened to you, your mother and I has been looking for you since you didn't cane back home from work that day and your line wasn't reachable", Patrick paused and lifted her face to face him, he apologise,

"Am truly sorry for everything", Patrick spoke gently as he kiss Tina softly on her forehead and wipe away her tears.

"Did he touch you?", Patrick asked her as he turned her face, sideways to check if she was abused.

"No..", Tina managed to say to him just and Patrick sealed his lips with hers, kissing her softly not minding the sour taste in Tina's mouth.

Tina hugged him tight, she missed him too and responded to his kisses, she missed the sweet taste of his lips. Patrick kissed her gently and finally broke his away from the kiss, catching her breathe, Tina still hugged him tight and rested her head on his chest, she spoke gently,
"I miss you too, I thought I would never see you again"

"It okay, am here now", Patrick responded calmly, after a while of hugging her , he ask, "Where's Godsent?".

"His inside sleeping", Tina replied him, just then little Godsent came out and run with his little legs to meet his mother, he truly look like one just waking up from sleep, Tina carried him up, and smile to him, while Patrick collected him from Tina's arms.

"We need to go to the station to write down your statements"Patrick said to her softly

"Okay", Tina replied him

Patrick stared at her face. The power supply in Chris house was on, so there's was bulb on, and Patrick can clearly see her yellow face was red, like one whom has been crying since, he ask again

"Did he hurt you?" Patrick ask her feeling concerned

"No he didn't", Tina replied him looking away, she could feel her face was hot, she looked back and saw that the servant already served her food, before the police officers badges in, she said to Patrick,

"Am hungry, let me eat first before we leave",

Patrick agreed, so he gave her Godsent back, so she can feed Godsent too.

While Patrick went outside to wait for them, he decided to call Mamatina to tell Mamatina, he has finally seen Tina as he knew her mother was also worried sick about her daughter.

Ring ring!

"Hello my son", Mamatina answered the call as she spoke first

"Hello Mama Good evening", Patrick responded

"Have you gotten to the City ?", Mamatina ask him, feeling concerned

"Yes Mama I have, I got on time, before evening, have seen Tina and Godsent", Patrick replied and Mamatina shout out with joy,

"You have found her, is she there with you, is she alright, was she hurt, hello, give her the phone let me speak to her", Mamatina instead on Patrick giving Tina the phone so she can hear Tina voice by herself.

"Okay mama, let me go in and give her the phone, wait..", Patrick replied as he went in to give Tina his phone.

Tina has already finished eating, she was just feeding her son when Patrick rush in to give her the phone telling her is her mother that was calling,
"Hello, Mama, good evening", Tina voiced on the phone just as she collected it from Patrick hand and put to her ears.

"Hello my daughter, how are you?, Thank God you are fine oo, we have all been worried about you, where have you been, you just left us all worried if not for my son in law, I wouldn't be able to see you again, as the police here couldn't even find you".

Tina sighed as she heard her mother

"Mama, is a long story, is Chris.."

"Oh so truly is Chris that came to take you away, I never liked that boy", Mamatina replied Tina, not allowing Tina finish up her sentence.

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