Chapter 33 - Broken Trust

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Chris travelled back home to his village, he obviously had no intention of returning other than to visit Tina. He feared that if he distance himself for too long from Tina, she might fall in love with another boyfriend and he doesn't want that.

Chris came early to Tina's village and went to her father's house. Tina's parent were already familiar with Chris, so they didn't question his visit. Chris came early so he could follow Tina to her workplace, he came with his car.

Tina was happy to see him, she gave him some foods though after asking him if he had eaten to have come this early, Chris just smiled at her and told her truthfully,

"I have not eaten , I just wanted to see your beautiful face first", Tina smiled hearing Chris then she went in to get his food for him, as Chris was seating on the bench outside, in front of her father's house.

Mamatina wasn't happy again with Chris visit, ever since she had seen Patrick, she couldn't help but want her daughter untied with her child's father, she doesn't want Tina to have an extended family, at first when she does not really know whom Godsent father was, she was hoping and praying her daughter will find someone else whom truly love and accept her and her child, but now she knows about Patrick, she just want her daughter to be committed to a nuclear family.

"Mom, what are you thinking these early morning, you didn't even notice me", Tina asked her mother after she got in and was talking to her mother yet her mother was not replying her, she assumed her mother was in deep thoughts and that's why she wasn't answering her.

Mamatina sighed, "My daughter don't mind me I have been thinking too much of lately, Where is Godsent",

"Mom I came in and I was talking to you, and you didn't even answer, Godsent is outside playing, his with Chris", Tina said

When Mamatina heard Chris she sighed again making Tina to feel and look more concerned for her mother,

"Mom, what's the problem, you seem not to look alright", Tina asked her mother as she sat down beside her mom,

"Mom what's troubling you?", Tina ask again.

"My daughter, what did you come in to do before, you shouldn't worry too much about me, am just worrying about you, so don't mind my worried looks, what did you come in to do", Mamatina tried to ignore Tina's questioning looks, she should wait first and know the exact relationship of Chris with her daughter before she interfere, "But what if Chris gets Tina pregnant too, all these young men of nowadays that can not control their desire"- Mamatina thought she as to talk to her daughter to find out what truly is her affairs with Chris.

Tina brought Chris food to him and sat down beside him on the bench as she brought Godsent closer to her to feed him his food, which was White rice and fish stew.

"He look so much like his father", Chris mistakenly said startling Tina.

"Do you know his father?", Tina asked in a shakened voice

Chris gulped and cursed why he said that out, he ate from the plate of food Tina had brought to him earlier, he never wanted to tell her he knew Patrick, how he subconsciously said that baffled him,

"You are not saying anything", Tina asked him again.

"Yeah, I guess I know his father, he looks like that man I see on Magazine and social media, I wanted to ask you about him but I do not want you to get troubled or upset, that's why I never bothered talking to you about his father", Chris said. Not wanting to tell her he knew Patrick very well and Patrick was his childhood best friend.

Tina smiled and continue giving Godsent his food, making Chris to wander why she was smiling, he asked her,

"Why are you smiling?"

"Shouldn't I smile, am just happy to see you, how's your mom and dad and siblings.. Brothers I mean, since your only sister is already married" - Tina asked smiling

"They're all fine dear", Chris replied her.

After finishing their food, Tina told her mother she will soon be leaving to her seamstress workplace, with Godsent and Chris. Mamatina did not say anything, she just told her daughter - "Okay".

Chris came in and greeted Mamatina before he drove off with Tina and little Godsent in his car to Tina's seamstress place


Patrick has not called Anita for a while since his return back to City A. he wandered why Anita didn't call him too, didn't her father tell her of his return. Oh he remembered he had lied to Anita about his return date and probably that's why Anita is angry with him, he sighed and he picked up his phone and dialed Anita's Phone number.

"Hello babe" - Patrick

"Hi, How are you doing and why are you calling, are you missing me already?" - Anita asked smiling over at her place.

Anita as refused calling Patrick even though she had felt strong urge to call and confront him as to why he lied to her about his return from the village, she wanted him to call her first, that way she will know Patrick truly as feelings for her too, and is not a one sided relationship.

"Am missing you already, why didn't you come visiting me", Patrick asked

"You didn't tell me about your return babe", Anita defended

"Oh, Am sorry I didn't really tell you, an emergency came up and I had to return back urgently", Patrick said

"Is okay, I will come over to your place today, I miss you too" - Anita

"Where"- Patrick asked

"Am at Eko event.centre, we went there for a shoot, you know how my job is, but I will soon round up with my role as the leading Actress, the movie shoot will soon be over, quite interesting", Anita said.

"Okay babe I will be expecting you, there's something I will like to discuss with you when you come, do take care", Patrick said as he bide.her bye.before hanging up the phone . Thinking how he will properly explain Tina and her son situationship to Anita when she.arrive.

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