Mcdreamy is a mcbastard

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The drive to the escala was quiet, blake respectfully ignored the slight sniffles coming from her passenger. She pulled up to the gated underground garage. She pressed a button on her keys with the underground parking opened up. Her headlights leading the way through the parking. Most of the apartments in the building was empty, it was hardly something people could afford on a daily basis, but it was home. She pulled into her personal parking. She noticed Meredith's jeep along with Alex's truck in the guests parking.

"I didn't think you were renting here." Said Meredith as she climbed out of the car, where Blake held open the door. "Thank you."

Blake nodded and locking her car, she put her hand at the small of Meredith's back leading her to the private elevator "My pleasure, and I'm not renting my dad wanted me to by a house but I never found one that suited to my liking, instead of bought penthouse." She replied to Meredith's question.

Meredith chuckled "I always wondered how we stayed in the fanciest hotels in Spain, ate at the most expensive restaurants." She mumbled "Damn trust fund baby" she teased lightly.

Blake snorted "please , we both know you're a trust fund baby too. Besides everything I bought was from my own money I made working with my dad. I've worked for the family company since I was fourteen." She said waving a hello to the security.

Meredith sighed "We kept a lot of things hidden from each other, did you hide a secret wife too?" She asked slightly vulnerable.

Blake glanced at Meredith "The only things I hid, was the extent of my wealth Mer. Besides it wasn't important. I certainly wasn't married at the age of 19." She said dryly "I'm not Derek." She shook her head "god I still can't understand how I never put it together. Addison said she was married to a neurosurgeon , named Derek. I just never thought it would be him." She muttered displeased with her lack of foresight "fucking prick."

Meredith snorted slightly amused at the strong English accent coming through "Your accent is much stronger when you're upset"

When the lift dinged, the doors opened to the front room

Meredith gasped slightly, it was gorgeous the view was to die for

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Meredith gasped slightly, it was gorgeous the view was to die for. "It's gorgeous"

Blake smiled slightly "Thank you, and my mum said I needed to hire an interior designer.. Pffft" she joked. She took her coat and hung it on the coat hanger.

"Alex!" She called.

"Kitchen princess!" His voice travelled through the home.

She glanced at Meredith "do you want to just shower or want something to eat first?" She asked subtly trying to figure out whether Meredith was ready to face her friends.

Meredith smiled softly "Eat, drink, then rant." She said succinctly. She lead Meredith through the home and kicked off her shoes , the home was mostly open planned but her kitchen was walled off.

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