Going, going gone

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4 Weeks ago

The attending's along with the residents were in the conference room, at least those who has been affected . Owen stood in front of them, he stared down, his hands clenched, Blake's eyes were red, Alex had been sitting by her side trying to comfort her but she shrugged him off.

"I called you all here because the plane our doctors were on crashed somewhere on route to boisie. The transmitter that was on the plane is damaged which means rescue services hasn't been able to get a location. It's been three days since they've been stranded—""

Blake stood up from her seat , knocking the chair back gaining the attention from every single person in the room "We did it your way, I have a daughter who cries for her mommy, Callie has a daughter who is crying for her mama and daddy. I'm not waiting and I'm not letting you tell me that you'll handle it, because you're not. So fire me, or whatever the hell you want but I'm not operating today or until my wife is found." She spat angrily

"I know this is hard but —"

Blake grit her teeth "No you don't know, you don't know what I have to do at night and soothe my daughter with promises that could very well be false , you don't have children, so don't give me that, you don't know what the hell I'm going through." Blake didn't wait for his response when her phone rang and she left the room as she quickly answered it.

"Tell me you got something Winn?" She asked desperately

Winn breathed out on the phone "I was able to hack the satellite and reposition it but Blake this is a federal offense." He tried again.

Blake pursed her lips "I know, I know.. just you're good enough to not leave a trace , just.."

"I managed to find pictures okay, it's grainy but I can indentify them, I'm sending you the images via email now.. they'll be plotted on a map." He said quietly "Once you got it make sure to print it and destroy any evidence of me ever sending it, I'll be doing the same on my end."

Blake nodded and walked to the closest printer "Okay , okay.. I have a few more calls to make." She said before breathing softly "Thank you."

"Thank me when you get your wife back boss." He sis ending the call.

Blake stared and looked at her emails she ignored the sympathetic looks she received from the doctors and found the email. She quickly chose the option to print and chose the right name.

She was so lost in waiting for the machine that she didn't see when another person came on.

"What's the plan?" Blake looked up into Amelia and Callie's eyes. Amelia had been great and stuck around especially since the news came out, Callie needed a support system because it was her wife and Sofia's daddy.

"I'm telling you what I had to do is a federal offense and if you don't want any part of it, this is your out." She said Blake said honestly

Callie barely blinked "My wife and Sofia's dad is stranded, I don't care how many laws you broke."

Amelia nodded "He's my brother."

Blake nodded and took the map form the printer "Close the door." Callie did so and Blake soothed the map out on the table.

"I managed to give a friend of mine the flight plan now even search's and rescue would take days and weeks to cover such large land. My friend managed to borrow one of americas satellite and repositioned it to get these images and he plotted it along with their coordinates." She explained quickly

Callie gulped "When you said federal offense you really meant federal offense?"

Blake nodded "Yeah, I've got a buddy his stationed in Washington and he could be here with at least one other med evac chopper. So I'm going to need doctors to join me on this rogue mission.. are you in?" She asked looking at Callie and Amelia.

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