She makes my world stop

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"Hey.. sweetheart.." she whispered brushing Meredith's hair from her face. She tapped her nose, which scrunched cutely in response.

"Mmm.. it's early baby." Groaned Meredith turning over.

Blake laughed softly , reaching down and kissed her head "I know.. I'm going to show Kara her new working space, and have her sign a few documents. The chief gave me the morning off, said I made my 80 hours for the week. So I'll see you in the afternoon."

Meredith's gaze snapped open, she turned over to see Blake fully dressed in a business suit, she looked hot, she licked her lips, ignoring the taste of morning breath in favor of checking out her girlfriend, who wore a low cut blouse, showing more cleavage, than she was truthfully comfortable with. "No morning sex?" She whined cutely.

Blake chuckled "No.. but we can get into an on call room later and I'll give you everything you need honey."

Meredith wasn't entirely happy but nodded "okay.." she whispered.

Blake leaned down and kissed her lips softly "and I'll eat you out, you know and do that thing with my tongue you enjoy." She whispered against Meredith's lips.

Meredith blushed but smiled into the kiss "Mm.. sounds great baby, I can't wait."

Blake pecked her one last time before standing to her feet "Love you mer." She said with a small smile.

Meredith grabbed Blake's pillow and hugged it, closing her eyes again "love you too." She called out before the bedroom door shut.


Blake glanced at her watch, she spent most of the morning helping Kara and going through the contract, she showed her personally her newest lab and latest equipment. The girl lit up like a kid on Christmas, it was amusing and endearing at the same time. She hoped whoever caught Kara was just as amazing.

The morning was productive and just like she thought Kara was the perfect person for the job, the newest prosthetics lab was a new branch they were testing, her father gave her the go ahead, the board saw the merit of the project but it was something personal to her and her father.

With Kara she had the chance to increase the chances of getting better prosthetics on the market, the girl studied the nerves of a body and with her degree in prosthetics and orthotics, it would only increase the success of the project. Or at least that was the goal.

The second project was something only her mother knew about, it was something she started in her room, her walls were filled with dozens of numbers, algorithms.. diagrams, trying to find a solution to the problem, when her mother saw her becoming a tad to obsessive she put a stop to it.

Blake walked into the hospital, ignoring the various looks she received. She was sure her outfit was surprising, but god it wasn't like she stepped off the runway or something. When she reached the lift, it dinged and stepped onto it.

"Okay.. enough with the staring." She said to Tyler, one of the male nurses she befriended, because surgeons really needed to be nicer to the little guy, who does so many things to make their job easier.

Tyler laughed "Oh girl, I'm just saying this, and I'm gay, so very gay but you look like a snack." He paused "a hot corporate snack."

Blake blushed slightly, but laughed "A corporate snack?"

Tyler hummed "yeah, like I wouldn't be surprised if you're heading to Webber's office right now and telling him you're buying the hospital."

Blake smirked mischievously "One day?" She said as the lift reached her floor "and thanks have a good day Tyler." She waved and goodbye.

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