The wedding part 1

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Blake paced up and down in the locker room.

In precisely twelve hours she was supposed to get married and she wasn't able to get a hold of her emotions, the ceremony would start after sunset, the reception right after.

"Okay.. okay.. you need to calm down , you're wearing a hole in the damn floor." Blake stopped pacing and looked up to Bailey and Callie who stood there watching her.

"I uh.. I'm getting married in twelve hours." She looked at her watch "11 hours and fifty nine minutes." She said after a second.

Bailey chuckled "Yeah.. yeah. We know that. So why are you pacing like some sort of a maniac?"

Blake sighed and rubbed her face tiredly "because my mother decided that I cannot see Meredith before the wedding and in her townhouse right now probably sleeping and I have to go to an empty home, not empty because my father and mother are there but you know it's kinda empty because Meredith isn't there—""

Callie burst out laughing "This may be the first time I've seen you so nervous. It's hilarious."

Bailey slapped Callie's arm "Okay.. so you don't want to go home but you do need rest. Get a few hours of sleep in the on-call room. Two hours before the ceremony, I'll page Karev and wake you and then you get ready for your wedding yeah ?"

Blake nodded "Is there no chance I could scrub in on surgery? Something cool?"

Bailey shrugged "Nope, you are officially off the clock. For the rest of the weekend and will only return to work on Tuesday morning. So go sleep"

Blake nodded "Okay.. yeah.. it'll be fine right? I mean Meredith will walk down the aisle and it'll be fine right?"

Callie's eyes softened "Yeah.. she'll walk down the aisle and everything will be just fine."

Blake breathed out shaking her hands "Alright.." she breathed out and started to recite the value of pi under her breath.

Bailey and Callie watched the younger surgeon "what is she doing.?" They asked watching the girl mutter numbers. Another voice answered and he sounded wholly amused by the situation.

"When Blake gets really nervous, anxious. She recites the value of pi." Blake walked out of the locker room muttering something else "and when it gets real bad.. she starts doing newtons equations. Used to weird me out but it's a way to calm her mind."

Callie blinked "Equations?? Math equations calm her mind?"

Alex snickered "I know. It's strange but it works for her."



Meredith and Christina was laying quietly staring blankly at the ceiling "I'm getting married in the next twelve hours." She whispered out.

Christina hummed sleepily "Yep." She said popping the P "now go sleep else you'll look like a raccoon on your wedding day."

Meredith tossed and turned "This is stupid, I should be able to sleep next to my wife to be the night before our wedding"

Christina groaned and hit Meredith with a pillow "shut up, I was taken off surgery for an entire day tomorrow. You don't get to whine."

Meredith chewed her lip "Everything will be fine right? I'll walk down the aisle and it'll be fine right?"

Christina's eyes snapped open and turned to her person. "yes, you'll walk down that aisle even if I have to kick your ass down all the way to get there. So get sleep Meredith, raccoon and that'll probably make Blake turn the other way. So if you want to get married tomorrow go to sleep."

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