Its a choice ..

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Blake stared at the two doctors in front of her "No." she said firmly and started to walk away.

"Please Blake, I'll do anything, just take over." Pleaded Christina while Meredith laughed.

Blake stopped and turned around "I don't like our relationship, there's a-lot of taking and just not enough giving." She said looking at Christina "Relationships are about give and take. I'm giving and not doing a whole lot of taking."

Meredith laughed "I told you, she wouldn't do it."

Christina huffed "Blake I promise I won't ask you anything like this again." Blake raised an unimpressed brow "Okay maybe I will but I'll give you two surgeries Instead of one."

Blake mulled the offer over "Three or no deal."

Christina's expression pinched slightly "Two and a half."

Blake chuckled "Two and a half? Really Yang? Nope it's three or no dice honey."

Christina groaned and looked at Meredith "Help me out here."

Meredith shook her head "Nope, mind shattering. That's all I'm saying."

Blake looked confused but turned back to Christina "three love and I'll take over your murderer. Or not and I'll write a really nice eulogy at your funeral."

Christina stomped her foot childishly earning snickers from the other two doctors "Right in this moment I want you to know that I hate you." She said to both Blake and Meredith "Fine three."

Blake smirked "I would've done it for two but thanks." She took the chart from Christina "Watch my quint will you? Since I'm going to be dealing with.." she paused and looked at the woman's name "Constance .. Mm with a name like that I'd become a murderer too."

Meredith shook her head "Be careful baby" she said seriously and pecked Blake's cheek "I want more of those mind shattering orgasms." She winked and sauntered off with an extra sway in her hips. Blake watched beside Christina.

"I'm going to marry that woman someday." She said completely unawares of Christina's surprised expression and left to the exam room where her patient awaited her presence.

"U-Haul lesbians." Muttered Christina with a chuckle.

Exam room 3

Blake opened the door and looked at the chart, before raising her gaze to the inmate, who was cuffed to the bed, she stared at Blake licking her lips suggestively.

"Oh the Asian doctor delivered. Aren't you a sexy little thing honey." Said Constance.

Blake forced a polite smile "good morning, I'm Dr.Carmichael. I'll be examining you today." She glanced at the chart "I've been told that you swallowed a razor blade? I assume you put tape around the blade before ingesting it?" She asked the woman who smirked at her.

"I'm not stupid honey.."

Blake smiled "No, just desperate. You've been in solitary and craved the outside world and then you decided to swallow a razor blade." Blake walked closer to the woman "Some would say that's a bit extreme."

Constance hummed "And some would say you've got really pretty eyes, a sharp jaw — very aesthetically pleasing."

Blake chuckled dryly "I've been told, where is the pain?"

Constance licked her lips "Maybe you should use those nice hands and touch me and find out."

Blake hummed "Or I could get the portable x-ray and check for the damage the razor blade may have caused."

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