Put me in coach

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Blake walked into the hospital with Zola strapped in the car seat, after she reached the room she'd been paged too, she noticed it filled with residents and attending's "I'm on leave .. why am I being paged." She asked looking around but Meredith came over and extracted their daughter and unbuckled her from her car seat.

"Hey there babygirl.." Meredith glanced at her daughters attire "All dressed up in yoga pants?"

Blake dropped the diaper bag to the ground  "Yeah we were on our way to a mommy and me yoga class."she earned incredulous looks "What? It's fun.."

Mark smirked "Lots of single mothers there?" He asked with wiggling his brows "In some serious racy positions."

Blake kept her expression blank while Meredith stared at her "The yoga positions are very relaxing and Zo enjoys playing with those little balls they have .." she trailed off "Very relaxing."

Owen cleared his throat "Uh well it's become clear that we haven't been quite a team as of late.. and well I signed us up for the hospital softball league. We'll be able to work together, build better relationships and nothing brings people together like americas favorite past time."

Blake grimaced "Okay, that's great and all, but I'm missing some really good yoga classes and I'm sure Zo.." she paused when Meredith held their daughter far away from her "What?"

"You're staring at asses and boobs .." she stated plainly,

Blake blinked "A few times sure when I uh came up from a warrior pose.." she said innocently "Very hard to miss babe."

Mark laughed while Jackson high fived him like an idiot "Can I Join this class?"

Meredith scoffed at Blake  "Yeah no, no mommy and me yoga for you today, you'll be playing catcher because Alex said you played in high-school ,"

Blake shot Alex a betrayed look "To get girls, because half the soft ball team was super gay and well I was horny teenager,"

Alex snorted "Yeah but you were good. You have a good arm." He shrugged.

Blake sighed "Fine.. let's spend my last off days sweating in some padded gear and a face mask. Ugh I should've ignored your page chief." She said mournfully.

Meredith shook her head "Hey Zo can you say mama is a tosser?"

Blake gasped dramatically"Meredith don't teach her British curses.. besides I prefer wanker."

Zola giggled tugging Meredith's hair  "ma.." she had been saying that one thing for the longest time and Blake was sure she'd be saying mama in no time.

"Oh yeah.. definitely saying mama first aren't you love.." she murmured and turned to the group "Alright then, let's have a go at this yeah?"

Softball field

Blake regretted ever agreeing to this , she was sweaty and getting irritated with the lack of cohesion in their squad that and they sucked balls, seriously.

She pulled off her mask "Jesus Christ , Shepard it's not hard to throw the ball where my mitt is!" She yelled "is there anybody else? Literally anyone else?! Please I might just die .. if I have to deal with Derek's dysfunctional pitches?"

Derek scoffed but laughed because he sucked balls ass "hey! I'm offended." Blake rolled her eyes.

"Hold out your mitt." She said as he held it out and pulled back with her left hand and threw it right in the middle of his middle mitt when the sound hit perfectly she stared at the man "That's the sound the ball should make in my mitt. Focus less on power and more precision.. you're a surgeon for Christ's sake."

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