A change

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Locker room

Meredith walked into to the locker room alone the sight was strange because usually they'd be a raven haired woman right beside her holding her hand.When she entered the television that was rarely used in corner of the room was on. Playing the news . She stared at Alex who had been watching the television intently.

"I never pegged you for being a guy that's so interested the the news Alex."

Alex turned and shrugged "It's a special today." He murmured and kept staring at the screen at Izzy and Christina walked in. They spoke but Alex immediately shushed them.

"Quiet! It's on."

Christina raised a brow but Meredith shrugged in response and look at the television.

The newscaster tuned in with a abnormally wide smile making Meredith cringe at it.

"Thank you for joining us today, we have live and special broadcast coming right from Carmichael industries today launching a new and exciting venture. But more information will be given by Tom Ellis is who is taping live from the Carmichael industries in Seattle this morning. Over to you Tom" the screen changed to a older man with a nice haircut standing with a mic in his hand.

The back was filled with various reporters and a stage with a podium.

"Good morning Seattle, I'm Tom Ellis and I'm here live from Carmichael industries, news and whispers has been floating about a new product that's going to be launched today. Nothing concrete but a we have confirmed from reputable sources that the youngest Carmichael; Dr. Blake Carmichael daughter of Richard the CEO and founder of Carmichael industries, a company that has made record breaking discoveries and advances in today medical equipment has launched a new initiative.

For those who are still fuzzy with the young woman's name, and who doesn't quite follow the medical community closely.

Dr.Blake Carmichael was said to be a contributor to many of the machinery that has been produced and supplied hospitals across the country and even internationally. Most of her involvement has been kept quiet due to her age , but her father Richard has confirmed in his latest press release that since his daughter was thirteen she's been actively involved in the family's business. And today we were told that she and a team of highly skilled and intelligent people has made a new break through in the world of prosthetics."

Behind him cameras started flashing as Blake walked up the stairs dressed in a formal red dress and a beige coat. Her make up was flawlessly done with her hair hanging off her shoulder. When she took her place and the podium and offered the viewers a bright smile and red painted lips that reached her eyes.

"Wow she looks good.." muttered Christina "it's unfair.."

Meredith nodded dumbly as she stared at her gorgeous girlfriend "Yeah.."

"Ssh!" Muttered Alex as he turned up the volume of the television.


"Good morning, and thank you all for coming out this morning. With Seattle's weather every day that it's not pouring is a blessing." She joked the crowd laughed "But you haven't come out to hear me talking about the weather." She paused building some anticipation "As I'm sure you have heard by now, Carmichael industries has launched a new project, one that has been personal to my family as a whole. The project was to change the world of prosthetics as we know it. I have personally recruited the best minds and they have been working harder than I have ever seen. It warmed my heart to see their dedication to it and to get it right.

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