Almost grown

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They train doctors slowly. They watch us practice on frogs ... And pigs, and dead people, And then live people. They drill us relentlessly. They raise us like children. And eventually, they take a cold, hard boot, and they kick us out of the nest

Richard was staring at his residents in residents lounge, each wearing a stern expression while the only ones who barely looked bothered was Blake who stared out of the window.

"I have great faith in you ... Great faith. I can because I chose you, I trained you. I've watched you work. I know what you can do. That's why today is different. The training wheels are coming off, people." Richard said and started handing out navy blue scrubs to all the residents present.

Meredith took hers before handing a pair to her wife "Navy blue scrubs?"

Richard shook his head "Not just navy blue scrubs, attending scrubs. Today you're the attending's. Run the cases, take point, but don't be a fool. If you get in over your head, cry uncle. Until then ... Congratulations. You've just been promoted."

Lexie raised her hand "Uh sorry sir but I didn't get uh scrubs.."

Richard smiled apologetically "Ah this is only for fourth years, it's a regular day for you."

Blake stared at the navy blue scrubs "Mm attending, can I start my own clinical trial now? Since I have the power for a day?" She asked looking at Richard who gave her an amused smile.

"And if you could, what would your trial be on?" He asked , everyone stared at the two.

Blake pulled off her light blue scrub top "A cure for Alzheimer's." She said without blinking.

Richard balked slightly "An ambitious goal."

Blake hummed "I'm nothing if not ambitious." She shrugged and glanced at Meredith "Besides I have a compelling reason .."

Meredith's eyes teared up a bit "I don't think you'll find a cure in a day Blake.".

Blake shrugged lightly "I'm a genius I'll take my chances.."


The attending's watched outside the residents in their navy blue scrubs "Are we sure this is a good idea?"Arizona

Richard hummed "Of course it is. We all did it. It's the evolution of the craft, the passing of the torch, the lifeblood of the training process."

The residents picked up their charts at the nurses station while the actual attendants watched on, some worried and concerned others finding it amusing, like Mark who chuckled softly,


Blake was walking beside Mark "It's my case, I suppose you're going to hand over the case soon Dr.Sloan?"

Mark smirked "What factors would lead a patient to want breast reduction surgery."

Blake thought it over for a moment "neck pain,back pain, balance issues, then there's also the fact that the patient could be a transgender, born intersex.." she said casually and looked over to mark "Am I warmer yet?"

Mark rolled his eyes playfully "Smart ass." He handed over the chart when they reached the room.

Blake read over the file , she wasn't surprised when in fact the patient wasn't female at all, instead it was a male.when the entered the room. Blake smiled at what she assumed was the mother or a relative.

"Hello, I'm Dr.Blake Carmichael.."

Mindy smiled "Nice to meet you, I'm Mindy grubber-man" Blake nodded "And where is our patient?" She asked kindly and looking at Mark and Arizona.

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