Mind blowing

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NICU ward

Izzy, Christina , George and Meredith stood by their respective Quints who were in incubators and very tiny.

"I have the best quint, Lucy she smiled at me." Said George with a grin

Meredith snorted "She's nine hours old, she's not smiling at you George."

George shrugged nonplussed "I'm saying there are five babies and mines the best. She's clearly the most advanced of the lot."

"Nope, Charlottes smart , she's got wrinkles on her forehead , she's very serious. Kinda like Blake. And my girlfriend is a certified genius." Said Meredith with smug grin.

Christina looked up in surprise "Wait really? She's a certified genius?"

Meredith nodded "Yeah, her parents had her tested when she was nine or something. They were still in London and turns out they had a little Einstein." She said "but don't call her that, she doesn't like it. Goes into a entire rant about it."

Izzy scoffed "Well your girlfriend is just as bad as Alex." She huffed "Where is she? Screwing a nurse too?"

Meredith's eyes hardened and went to respond but Blake's English accent cut her off "No, said girlfriend went to get coffee because she knows her significant other doesn't function well without it." Said Blake coldly. She walked in carrying four cups of coffee.

"But seeing that I'm such a bitch, I don't think I'll give you the one I got for you Isobel." She said with innocent smile. And walked over to Meredith. "Here you go love, it's Brazilian. A new blend. Supposed to work wonders." She said handing Meredith's cup over.

Meredith smiled softly and kissed her softly "thank you.."

Blake hummed "Here you my favorite Asian." She said handing Christina's over and tapped her cheek "I want my Thank you too." She joked.

Christina snickered "Yeah no. But thanks for the coffee B you're a lifesaver."

Blake chuckled "Eh I try." She handed over George's and took the remaining cup for herself. "so how are the kiddies doing?"

"Good, their vitals are strong." Said Meredith "where's Alex? Kate's his quint?"

Blake licked her lips "He's occupied at the moment. I managed to get Dr.Bailey to have him swap with me,"

Izzy rolled her eyes "Busy with what? Screwing Olivia's brains out?"

Blake ignored her and looked at Meredith "It wasn't too hard, since I've been stuck in the pit for a week."

Christina laughed "Yeah well that's something you wanted to do, don't complain about it now."

"You still owe me for thanksgiving Yang and when there's a cool case I'm totally stealing it." Said Blake.

George looked at Izzy and then at Blake "So where's Alex?" He asked fishing for information.

Blake shrugged "Occupied."

George rolled his eyes "You can just say that he's having sex right, we're all adults here."

Blake raised a brow "You think I'd take over a case so that he could fuck someone? Actually despite him being a dick most of the time, Alex isn't the type to skip out on work so that he can fuck the nurses." She said defending her best friend.

Izzy scowled "his evil, his an evil spawn. That's exactly what he'll do." She said bitterly.

"Alright who's on call tonight?" Asked Bailey coming into the Nicu, not noticing the tension.

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