The other side of life part 2

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Penthouse bathroom

Blake stared at the pregnancy test in the trashcan, She picked it up with a tissue, her heart started beating faster but when she turned it over and saw the negative line, her heart sank. She licked her lips before dropping it back into the trash. For a few moments she gathered her senses and washed her face.

Meredith thought she was pregnant and didn't tell her, why? Why would she keep that away from her.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she walked to the kitchen that was filled with boxes.

She watched the woman she was to marry drink a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper.

"Hi." She said quietly.

Meredith glanced up and smiled "Hey.. ready to go?"

Blake stared a moment longer, maybe Meredith would tell her, later.. maybe she would. Even though it was negative. It was still a scare. She breathed a sigh before grabbing hear coat and keys.

"Yeah let's go"


SGH -Susans room

Meredith walked into the room with a frown "you're back, what happened?"

Bailey looked up "She's got a fever, and I think I hear a small murmur." Said Bailey.

Thatchers eyes widened "a heart murmur?"

Susan hushed her husband "Oh Thatcher don't be so dramatic. At least it's no hiccups." She said optimistically.

"Could be complications from the endoscopy.." informed Bailey

Meredith bit the inside of her cheek "Bacterial endocarditis" she asked quietly

Bailey looked at her intern "You'll have to get tests, and if they come back positive, you'll be admitted for I.V. Antibiotics"

"Which should knock it right out." Added Meredith with a small smile.


Blake sat beside Meredith on a bench outside the hospital "so Susan's back." She started looking at her fiancé who stared blankly ahead.

"Mer?" She tried

Meredith licked her lips "I was a few days late." She started quietly "I was few days late with my period and I took a pregnancy test." She laughed softly "Thing is , when I was peeing on that stick I felt a hoard of butterflies fluttering in my stomach.. either nerves or excitement."

Blake squeezed Meredith's thigh "The test was negative." She confirmed.

Meredith nodded slowly and wiped away a tear "It was negative. I never thought I'd ever be so disappointed.."

Blake sighed softly "You're still on birth control mer, when we're ready. We'll start trying , in fact we'll try all the time, morning, afternoon , night and then the next day. Until I put a baby there."She said determined.

Meredith chuckled softly and leaned against Blake's shoulder "And once you out your head to something you'll succeed." She smiled before it fell slightly "Susan is back, we ran tests. She has a fever — Bailey said she heard a murmur.."

Blake nodded "Could be Bacterial endocarditis" she confirmed "it happens. Want me to join Bailey on the case?"

Meredith hummed "yeah.." she paused "you're okay right? With waiting for a baby?"

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