Its a warning..

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Blake's penthouse

"And so that's the reason you haven't spoken to Meredith since?" Asked Alex sipping on his beer.

Blake hummed and continued her work on her laptop "I don't know what's her problem. I told her she needed to heal, I don't want to be her rebound. I don't want a night of fantastic sex, then she runs after him again. I mean isn't that fair?"

Alex half shrugged "You're looking for a relationship, I don't know, maybe you should just get laid, make her see that you're not always going to be waiting on the sidelines."

Blake pursed her lips in thought "Maybe you're right, I can't really put my life of hold because I'm waiting for her to possibly choose me, maybe I should get laid." She muttered "alright tonight after our shift, we'll go to joes and we'll find two beautiful women and bring them home for the night?"

Alex grinned "That's what's I'm talking about, so joes after work. Let's hope they'll be better looking nurses"


"Why the hell am I doing this? I want to kill you , you stupid sadist.!" Breathed Christina , she tried catching her breath but it was no use

Meredith jogged back to her "Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make us feel better."

Christina snorted "And you feel better?"

Meredith huffed falling to her ass "No I feel stupid, I messed up. It's been a week and she doesn't even look at me."

Christina rolled her eyes "Well you did compare her to Derek, multiple times, also you screamed at her for like zero reason at all, you're an idiot."

Meredith pursed her lips "What about you? Up for telling Burke yet?"

Christina shook her head "Nope, going to keep it to myself for as long as I can." She said stubbornly "this is what I get for sleeping with my boss."

Meredith laughed "Pregnant whore."

Christina flipped her finger "You're slutty mistress, and you're an idiot. I don't think I can top you."


Intern locker room

Alex and Blake laughed softly about their morning "You're an idiot, the girl was totally checking you out, all you had to do was ask her number."

Blake rolled her eyes "I did, or she did. And well I thought it was funny."

Christina and Meredith came in "what was funny?" Asked Christina

Alex snorted "Ah this chick at the store tried getting her number, she's really good looking to boot. She's all ' you have a number?' And Blake just stares at her before handing over her card to pay and says 'I've got plenty of numbers, a social security number, a bank number, an Id number..'" Alex broke out in another fit of laughter. "man that girls face was priceless."

Blake scoffed "It was a joke, I don't think I appreciate a woman without a good sense of humor. I mean really. Having good sex is great and all but if you can't have a conversation we might as well be animals." She waved off ignoring the bluish green eyes on her.

Alex snorted "Yeah well, I'm going to be an animal and find a pretty girl at joes tonight. So if there's a sock on the door it means don't come in."

Blake grimaced "I've seen enough of you in my life Alexander no need to see more." She shook her head "come on we have to get going before—"

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