Break on through

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In surgery there is a red line on the floor that marks the point where the hospital goes from being accessible to being off limits to all but a special few. Crossing the line unauthorized is not tolerated

Blake stared at the entrance, she shoved her hands in her pockets of her coat. She noticed a few nurses staring at her, she sighed walked through the protesting nurses expecting them to toss rotten vegetables at her but instead they stared at her.

She waved a hello "Personally, I would to join you all. But I'm afraid.." she gestured and Debbie nodded her head.

"That's alright Dr.Blake. You're actually nice and polite. We won't throw old food at you." She joked earning a few chuckles.

Blake grinned and winked "Thank you love." She said and walked into the hospital breathing out a sigh of relief.

In general their are lines, lines we don't cross.

Blake walked into the locker room, and found Meredith sitting on the bench.

For safety reasons, for security and for clarity.

"I see you didn't get thrown with old food, must be your charm working hmm?" Asked Meredith staring at her girlfriend.

Blake undressed "I'm polite, I'm nice, I say please and thank you. Because there are lines.. times we want others to respect us. That's a two way street." She paused and looked at Meredith "Like trust, like relationships.." she huffed "Like dealing with you calling your ex Mcdreamy again, and having moments in elevators." She pulled on her scrub top "There are lines Grey." She said and grabbed her white coat and slammed her locker shut and stalked out of the locker room.

Meredith watched her go with tears in her eyes..

If you do cross the line? Well you pretty much do so at your own risk.


Blake stared at the charts "I know you guys are temp nurses and all. But really darlings, that's no reason to be sloppy. Sloppy means you're endangering a patients life." She organized the charts like Debbie always did and put them in its place "Let's not have you being murderers Hmm?" She asked batting eyelashes prettily.

Christina snorted at the sight and nudged Meredith "Blake seems to be wooing the temp nurses." She laughed "a fat lot it will do her." When Meredith didn't respond instead just looked on despondently Christina raised a brow.

"Okay.. what's up your butt?" She asked

Meredith shrugged "Blake and I are having a thing, she hasn't stayed over for and I haven't stayed over at her place for the past week. Since the dinner at your place in fact."

Christina pursed her lips "Is it about the Mcdreamy thing?"

Meredith frowned "Why is such a big deal? I don't understand why it's such a big deal honestly. It's not like I'm going to break up with her and run after him." She huffed frustratedly.

"Yeah maybe you should tell Mcdreamy that, because he walks around the hospital with such a smug smile on his face and his been making comments to Blake whenever she's on his service. It's really annoying to watch." Explained Christina "I swear I thought she was going to punch him." She snickered "I would've paid good money to watch that."

"Yang, stevens, karev, Grey and Carmichael!" A loud booming voice echoed down the hallway.

All the interns turned their heads simultaneously while Blake was finishing up with the nurses and explaining to them the system the real nurses used.

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