5. Morning Love

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So here's the next chapter. Enjoy 😉

This chapter contains mature content. If you're not comfortable, you can skip it.

Ram was the first one to wake up today. It was 7'o clock in the morning. Priya was sleeping peacefully hugging him. That brought a serene smile on his lips. "A perfect fit in my arms", he thought.
He started caressing her hair and placed a kiss on her forehead. Priya smiled in her sleep. Then he gave her a soft kiss on her nose and caressed her cheeks fondly. She snuggled into him more.
Ram: Good morning Sweetheart! Wake up.
Priya(sleepily): Ram please! 5 mins more.
Ram hugged her and started patting her back softly.
Priya: Mmmmm...
Ram: what?
Priya: I like it.
Ram smiled at her innocence and kissed her hair. Just then he noticed his phone vibrating. Krish was calling, he saw. He received the call and was about to say hello but Priya whined,
Priya: Ram please more kisses.
Ram blushed and said to Krish,
Ram(proudly): Hey Krish! Good morning!
Priya was wide awake in a moment. Her palms shot up to her mouth and looked at Ram. Ram smiled cheekily at her. She hugged him feeling very shy.
Krish(awkwardly): Morning! Ummm sorry I think I called you at the wrong time.
Ram: No no Krish it's fine. Sometimes my wife can be very demanding. That's it. Tell me why did call?
Listening to him, Priya hit his arm lightly and glared at him.
Krish: MS didn't come home once again. I did all the formalities. I don't think Varun is going to get bail easily because of the proof. But without a proper evidence we can't charge him with murder. We need do find something Ram very soon.
Ram: Yes Krish. Thank you for informing. Let's see. If you find anything please let me know.
Krish: Sure. Bye.
Ram: Bye.
Ram cut the call and saw Priya's chocolate brown eyes staring at him curiously .
Priya: What happened?
Ram: Nothing much. Krish just called to inform me that he finished all the formalities so we don't need to worry.
Priya: Ohh...okay.
She sighed.
Ram: You know what, I love the color of your eyes they always remind me of my favorite chocolate cupcakes.
Priya laughed heartily.
Priya: Omg! This is the best compliment I've ever received from you. Chocolate cupcakes and me! Wow! Thank you.
Ram smiled widely to her, caressing her cheeks and gave her a forehead kiss.
She smiled at him. He touched her their foreheads together.
Priya started staring at his lip contemplating and this didn't go unnoticed by Ram. He gave her a soft peck on her lips. Finally she gave in and took his lips into a deep kiss. It was full of love and passion they feel for each other. They tasted each other hungrily. They broke the kiss when they felt breathless.
Ram(panting heavily): Wow...
Priya(catching her breath): Yup. Not bad. I agree.
They looked at each other's eyes. They both reflected longing for each other.
Ram initiated another kiss, Priya reciprocated happily. Both were in their own world of love, when Ram's phone started ringing. Priya broke the kiss, annoyed.
Ram(panting): Adi! What happened?
Adi: Woh! I calling you to inform that Mr. Mehra is not well so he canceled today's meeting. His P.A. called. Btw why are you breathing so heavily? Are you okay?
Ram: Oh! Fine. And Priya and I are doing yoga together that's why.
Priya smacked his arm heavily.
Ram: ouch!
Adi: Babyyyyy! Ram is doing yoga. Aj sooroj kaha se nikla hai!
Bri: Jaan and yoga! Stop your bullshit!
Adi: Aarreeyy noo! He is doing yoga. He's panting heavily.
Bri took the phone from him.
Bri: Jaan! You're doing yoga. Are you okay? Should I call a doctor?
Ram: No just one help. Please tell your husband not to call me this early in the morning.
Bri: Ooooooooo.....you're doing yoga with Priya. Adi you're too innocent. Got it jaan...keep on! Do cardio also it's good for health you know.
Ram: Bri! Yaar!
Bri: What?
Ram: Nothing I can't talk to you. I've better things to do.
He cut the call.
Priya(rolling her eyes): Now what happened?
Ram(lowering his tone to some octaves): My 9am meeting got cancelled. Do you need to go to the institute today?
Priya(shyly): Ummm...yeah. But I can bunk one or two classes if you want.
Ram happily pinned her under him.
Ram: I would love that.
Ram started placing wet kisses on her neck. Then he moved to her face. At first he kissed her forehead, moving onto her eyelids, cheeks and lastly took her lips into a passionate kiss.
Priya having had enough, pinned him under her and started kissing him. She moved to his neck and started kissing. Then gave him a love bite on his neck. Ram moaned at her sweet torture. He couldn't take it anymore. He sat up and started undressing her. She also helped him out of his cloths. Both started exploring every inch of each other.
Ram moved to her boobs, started kissing and biting her. Priya started moaning, then suddenly,
Priya: Ouch! Ram easy. They are already tender.
Ram: Ooppss! I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?
Priya: No. Relax. It's just a normal symptom before getting periods. You didn't hurt me. Just....don't stop.
Ram: Okay! Okay!
Ram softly kissed her. Then moved downwards and kissed her belly. Then he went more down and kissed her between her legs. And started tasting her.
He had never done that before. This was the first time. Priya felt intense pleasure, her hands went down to clasp his soft curly hair. Priya couldn't take it no more. She moaned loudly and realizing it her hands went to her mouth.
Priya: Oooppssss!
Ram: Easy wifey! Do you want to wake everyone ?
He winked at her. Priya was blushing heavily. Ram went back to doing what he was doing. Priya couldn't think anymore. Her mind went blank. And she climaxed.
She was breathing heavily. Ram went near her face and kissed her forehead. He looked at her face intently, she was looking like a bloomed red rose. So beautiful.
She calmed her racing heart and took his lips into a deep kiss. Her left hand was cupping his face and with her right hand, she started stroking his chest. Ram was feeling ecstatic. She ran her hand down his body and touched his erection. She started stroking it while kissing him. Ram groaned in between the kiss. It was very pleasurable for him. Sometimes later she broke the kiss and looked at his beautiful eyes, said
Priya: I want you, Ram.
Ram was overjoyed. He gave her a swift kiss on the lips. And positioned himself over her. Then slowly entered her making her his again. He moved slowly feeling her loving her. Both climaxed together after sometime. He kissed her forehead lovingly. He covered them with the duvet. Priya slept immediately placing her head on his chest. Running his fingers in his hair Ram also fell asleep.
It was 9:10am when Ram opened his eyes. He recalled their morning love-making session and blushed. He stroked Priya's right cheek with his thumb. She was sleeping deeply. He didn't wanted to wake her up but she had classes to attend. So he decided to wake her up.
Ram: Priya! Wake up sweetheart. It's 9:15am already. Don't you have classes?
Priya whined in her sleep. So he shook her a little.
Priya: Noooooooo...please let me sleep.
Ram: But you have classes Priya.
Priya: You should've thought about that before making love to me. I can't go. I'm too tired.
Ram: Okay...I'll call Twinkle and tell her you're taking a leave.
Priya: Noooo...I have to go. I can't take a leave today. There's a seminar to attend today from 12pm. Arrrrggghhhhhh! Whyyyy?
Ram: Okay don't get angry with me now please. At least let me go and get ready.
Priya: I'm not holding you Ram. Do whatever you want.
Ram: You're literally sleeping on me Priya!
Priya: Oh! Sorry.
She went to her side. Ram sighed and placed a kiss on her left cheek. She blushed.
Priya: I love you.
Ram: And I love you.
Priya again went to sleep for sometime.
When she woke up 15 mins later, she saw Ram freshly showered putting his blazer on. He wore a all black suit together, her favourite. She was openly checking him out, when he saw her awake.
Ram: Priya! You'll have time to gawk at me later. Go get ready.
Priya rolled her eyes.
Priya: Stop talking and give me a shirt of yours.
Ram took out a black shirt and threw at her.
Priya: Don't look at me. Look at that side.
Ram: Seriously Priya! That was not even our first time.
Priya(innocently): So what? I'm feeling shy.
Ram chuckled at her innocence and moved to the study table searching for a file.
Priya wore the shirt and got out of the bed.
"She looks ethereal", he thought.
Ram: It suits you better sweetheart.
Priya gave a soft kiss on his cheek and went to get ready.
She got ready and they went down to have breakfast. Nandini and Mami were having breakfast.
They all wished each other Good Morning. Both sat down to have breakfast.
Nandini: Priya don't you have classes today.
Priya: No mom. Actually I have a seminar to attend today.
Nandini: Oh okay.
Forget having breakfast, all Priya could think of was the special morning they spent. She was still dazed.
Mami noticed her and called out her name.
But Priya was elsewhere. Ram elbowed her. She got conscious of her situation,
Priya: What?
Mami: Kahan khoyi hui ho tum?
Priya: Ohh...sorry I was thinking about a question paper I need to set. She lied and mentally face palmed herself. Soon they finished their breakfast and went to work.
Both couldn't stop thinking about each other and missed each other very much.

Okayyy! Was that too detailed? Oh yes! It was. I should've stopped my mind going there long ago. But ab kya kare?

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