53. Surprise!!!

679 59 137

31st December, 2022

Priya yawned softly and then slowly opened her eyes. She smiled shyly seeing Ram's arm wrapped around her bare waist in a warm embrace.

Nuzzling into his neck, she let out a soft chuckle remembering last night's shenanigans.

As the winter vacation was going on, Priya was on leave for more than a week. Ram tried not to be jealous but ended up behaving like a "jalkukda" as his wife was enjoying holidays without him. Priya, on the other hand, spent her holidays in absolute peace for the first time in her entire life. Her days went by doing what she loved the most- reading. One would have found her either in the library room or in the bedroom, sleeping like a log as if she didn't sleep for years.

Although Ram was pretty busy the entire week, that day he ended up leaving the office early as he missed spending time with his wife. So he surprised her by coming home at 6pm and the rest on the evening Ram leisurely rested his head on Priya's lap while she read him short stories by Ruskin Bond. After that they enjoyed chocolate shake made by Tarun while looking at the beautiful view of the beach, sitting in the balcony.

Priya's cheeks flushed as Ram scooted closer to her even in deep sleep and then smiled widely. With a bashful smile, she moved his hand as she felt extremely hungry.

Sitting up, she picked up Ram's white shirt from the edge of the bed and quickly buttoned it up and then placed a chaste kiss on his cheeks.

But as she stood up, her head spinned really bad, so bad that she plopped onto the bed again. She felt the ground beneath her shake which made her feel more dizzy and she held her head in between her hands. Suddenly her hunger pangs peaked, making her feel nauseated and she felt like vomiting.

Priya: Ra....

She tried to call Ram but a sudden urge to throw up gripped her badly so she covered her mouth with her hand and stood up in complete urgency. Taking the support of the furnitures, she somehow entered the washroom and began puking her guts out.

After she was done, she splashed some cold water on her face and then sat down on the counter taking a few deep breaths. She tried to recall what she ate yesterday that made her throw up today.

"Dal chawal aur thoda sa bhindi masala hi toh khaya tha kal raat. Unke saath reh rehke meri bhi digestive system ki bhi haalat kharab hai!", Priya thought to herself while getting ready to scold Ram when he wakes up.

Letting out a loud sigh, she stood up and splashed some more water on her face. Wiping her face with a soft towel, she looked at herself and frowned. Something didn't feel right.

Her head was spinning yesterday morning also and she felt kind of nauseous too. Her head was aching a little too much for 3-4 days now. She was feeling bloated most of the days. She has been sleeping more than usual. She assumed them to be normal PMS symptoms as she was about to have her periods. But now they felt weirdly heightened in intensity and she was also late for her periods for 5 days now.

She didn't tell Ram because as the day went on, she felt normal so she didn't give it much importance. But now it was becoming too unusual to be not noticed.

Priya's eyes widened as she tried to do the math. Her eyes lowered down to her tummy.

Priya: Ek second...kya main...pregnant?

About 3 weeks ago she fell sick due to viral fever. She was feeling very nauseous and threw up multiple times for 3 days straight and she missed taking her pills for those two days. The pills were not completely fullproof so there was always a chance of her getting pregnant, given their pretty active sex life.

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