26. Out of Gel

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It was before dinner time when Neeraj and Maitri came to Meera's house. Maitri hugged Ram and Priya both. Ram was way too angry with Neeraj. Keeping his cool was getting tougher each minute.
Ram: Neeraj Maitri come with me. Priya come.
They all went to Priya-Ram's room.

Sandy(whispering): Sara di aj Neeraj jiju ki dhulai hogi! Hona bhi chahiye. Kya soch ke Vedika ki help ki!
Sara: Maitri ne kya dekh ke shaadi ki! Bloody conspirator.

Neeraj and Maitri sat down. Ram started telling them what happened the whole day and how Neeraj was involved in it.
Maitri was glaring at Neeraj. She felt highly embarrassed.
Ram: Maitri don't feel guilty. It's not your fault.
Maitri: I'm sorry Jiju. If only I knew Neeraj ne yeh sab kiya! I'm sorry Pri di.
Priya: Don't be sorry Maitri.
Neeraj was silent all the time. No words came out of his mouth. He knew Ram's anger is on another level.
Ram: Now you both please go outside. I want to talk to Neeraj alone.
Neeraj was shivering with fear.
Priya and Maitri left.

Ram sat down on a chair in front of Neeraj. He was looking at him with pure anger and hatred.
Ram: Neeraj you crossed your limit. Now tell me why I should not destroy you? You know I can do that in minutes. How fool are you to think that you can interfere in our lives! I warned you before many times! Still you didn't learn. What did you think that we wouldn't know anything and you'll break us apart! Dream on Neeraj! You're an idiot to think that you can do anything! I think it's time I take legal actions against you.
Neeraj(shivering): Mr. Kapoor please. I'm sorry. I promise this won't happen again. Please don't do anything. Please.
Ram: First of all don't freaking call me Mr. Kapoor! Get that through your thick head! Why did you do it? And don't fucking give me some lame excuses. I want you to be fully honest. And if you decide not to tell me, I'll call your bank authority right now and you'll lose your job in 15 mintues. So think before you say anything. Now tell me why you did it?
Neeraj was silent.
Ram: Neeraj speak up. I don't have time for your bullshit.
Neeraj: Because I wanted Priya to be unhappy. I wanted her to remember my betrayal all her life. I didn't want her to move on.
Ram(in a deadly voice): You fucking scoundrel! Who gave you the right to interfere in our personal matter! You wanted her unhappy! You pathetic human being! Haven't you done enough damage to her wellbeing already! You married Maitri betraying her! Have she ever came in between you two! I can vouch for her! Never! She didn't even think about it! She kept her sadness, hurt everything inside her. You and MS ruined my Priya's life! Your betrayal made her so broken that she couldn't trust people, she couldn't love people from the bottom of her heart. All happened because of you! And you are still not satisfied! You fucking sadist! Haven't you tortured her enough! You've already hurt her so much! What were you fucking thinking! You never treated her right! And you spiked her drink! Karna kya chahte the! You fucking moron!
Just when she started feeling happy with me you wanted to snatch away that happiness too from her! What kind of a person are you Neeraj!
Neeraj: I'm sorry Ram. I won't do anything like this ever I promise. Please not for me! But for Maitri!
Ram: You don't care about Maitri. If you cared you would not have done all these. What kind of love is that when you just can't mind your own business and interfere with your ex-girlfriend's married life who is now your sister-in-law.
Neeraj: No Ram please. I realize I was wrong. I love Maitri. Please don't do anything. I'll never interfere in your life again. I promise. Please.
Ram: You better stay away from our lives and anyone's life to be precise. Change your behavior for good Neeraj. And this is your last warning. If I notice even a little of step yours in our life again, I will forget everything and destroy you without a second thought. I mean it Neeraj. And stay the fuck away from My Wife! And if you torture Maitri for this, I'll know! She's my sister. You better be careful! If you hurt her also, I'll forget you're her husband. I already think she deserves better. And I'll do something you'll regret your entire life Neeraj! So this is the last time I'm calmly saying this! Mind your own fucking business and live a healthy life with Maitri! Otherwise you know me.
Neeraj: Yes yes. I'll never ever come between you two. I won't interfere. And I won't hurt Maitri I promise. Thank you Ram. For understanding.
Ram: I'm not being understanding here. I'm doing this only for Maitri and this is the last time I'm doing it believe me. I'll not spare you again. My advice Neeraj, be a little responsible now, stop playing with people's lives, you're gaining nothing but hatred. Your own wife is embarrassed because of you today. So think thousand times before you do anything like this again.
Neeraj nodded.
Ram: Now get the hell out of this house right now as I'm way too angry!
Neeraj left the room.
He saw Maitri was not in the living room. He asked Meera,
Neeraj: Maitri?
Meera: She left for home long ago.
Neeraj nodded and left the next moment.

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