13. Shopping Spree

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Ram was driving and Priya was looking outside with no particular interest.
Ram: Priya! I have a suggestion. For Ishaan.
Priya: What suggestion?
Ram: Ummm! I think we should take him to a child counselor.
Priya: A counselor?
Ram: Yeah. Look he's going through a lot. And we both know how it feels to be hurt emotionally. And we never got the chance to process our hurt or grief. But Ishaan deserves it Priya. A Child Counselor can professionally guide him how to process everything. He's a bright kid and this incident can affect him and his career badly. Of course! We'll not force him but make him understand and go for maybe 1/2 sessions and see if he likes it or not. Now the decision is upto you all.
Priya: Are you kidding me Ram? This is a great suggestion. And you're a part of our family, you have all the rights to make decisions but yes we need Sara di's permission and Ishaan's consent. And Ishaan you're like his best friend. He loves you more than me even. And he gave you the right to be him by his side. So don't ever feel like this Ram! You think more about him than all of us.
Yup! You're right it's what best for him. He should have a chance to heal properly. Thank you Ram. I love you.
Ram held her hand affectionately.
Ram: I love you more.

They reached their workplace. Ram stopped the car and said,
Ram: Priya! Let's go shopping today na please. We're going on a trip. We need new cloths. Please na.
Priya: No! Ram. Koi zaroorat nahi hai. We should not waste money.
Ram: Priya we're not wasting money. We're spending it.We are earning money for what? Bank mein sab kuch rakhne ke liye! And for once give me a chance to pamper you to take you to do shopping please.
Priya: No. I don't want to.
Ram's face became sad.
Ram(softly): I know you're independent Priya. And you don't want me to spend my money on you. But I want you to know that it's not my money, it's our money. And I didn't inherited anything. I started everything from scratch, worked day night to be here today. And still doing it. But for what? To keep my family happy and I spend on myself it makes me happy. But you never let me do anything for you and that makes me feel like you don't accept me completely. Priya do you want me to leave everything, this empire that I built? I don't think so. Then again you refuse to use this money. Priya! This is also a part of me, a part of who I'm. I love it Priya that you're financially independent, strong, opinionated. And I respect you very much for that. I love that you, Sara di and Sandy work hard to live this life. I do feel that men/women/others everyone irrespective of their gender should be financially independent. But still I want you to spend our money on things, it would make me happy and because it is yours too. I would love to gift you things that make you happy. But your reactions always make me afraid that if I present you something you would be upset. I know this 'money' topic is a big no no for you. But this is how I feel. But I'll never force you to do something that you don't want to. So it's okay. I can live with that. I'm sorry if I crossed my limit.

Priya was in tears listening to him. She had no idea that he felt this way, that she didn't completely accepted him yet. She felt so sad thinking that her behavior caused him pain. She never gave this a thought. Yes She feels happy when Ram accepts her gifts whole heartedly. But she always makes it an issue. She ways lectures him. But he is right. Yes! It was their money after all. If her money is his then his money is also hers. Yes he's rich but he works hard for it. She acknowledged it and felt like she did a crime to hurt her gem like husband again.
She took him into a hug.
Priya: Ram! I'm so sorry for making you feel this way. I really do. I caused you pain. I'm so sorry. I never gave it a thought. That's why it never came to my mind. You didn't cross any limits. You shared your feelings. And something that I needed to know. Don't feel sorry please. It's my fault. I made you feel this way.
She broke the hug and held his hand and made him look at her. He was in tears.
Priya: Yes it's our money. If my money is yours then yours is mine too. I'm sorry. It always makes me happy when you accept my gift happily but I always make it an issue. But I swear I didn't want to hurt you. Money is a hard topic for me and I never wanted help. But you're my husband and you want to make me happy that's why you want to gift me things and spend money on me. I realized that now. I'm sorry for making your life hard by doing these things.
Ram: Hey! Hey! No more sorry please Priya. Don't feel bad. I shouldn't have said all this. It's fine. I'm okay.
Priya: No. You're not. And thank you for telling me and getting it through my thick skull. I should have thought about this before. I'm really sorry for hurting your feelings. I promise I'll never behave like that again.
Ram: No. No. Don't be sorry Priya please.
He took out a tissue from his pocket and softly wiped her tears.
Priya: So can we go shopping today?
Ram was shocked.
Ram: What? No. No. You don't have to push yourself to do something you don't want to just to make me happy. I don't want that.
Priya: But I really want to go shopping with you.
Ram show sincerity in her voice and a genuine want in her eyes.
Ram: Are you sure?
Priya(giving him a wide smile): Absolutely sure.
Ram: Okay. Then we can go. When are your classes going to get over?
Priya: 3:30pm. I've no classes after thst for today.
Ram: Okay then we can go after your classes end.
Priya: Okay then I'll meet you in your office. Okay bye! I'm getting late.
She kissed his cheek happily and was about to open the car door when Ram stopped her holding her hand,
Ram: Priya! Thank you so much for understanding.
Priya: No.no. Thank you for sharing how you feel. I'm so dumb Ram.
She face palmed herself.
Ram laughed and kissed her hand.
They went to work at their respective places.

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