15. Romantic Getaway Part-1

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Day -1

They were walking towards their room hand in hand. Ram was smiling gleefully at Priya. Their path was covered by thick green grass. Then they were walking over a wooden path, a water stream was flowing underneath it.
They both were mesmerized by the environment. Ram has seen photos before but looking at it with his own eyes and being there felt so beautiful so real and the best thing above all was that he got to experience it with Priya. That beautiful smile she had on her face since they set their feet in that place never once vanished which made him very very happy. Because honestly he has never seen her like this. She looked like a child in a garden full of flowers, the wonder in her eyes confirmed it.
Finally they stopped walking. There was a spiral staircase which lead to a cottage upwards which was surrounded by big trees. Ram told the servers to first go upstairs to their room and keep the luggage there.
Priya(excitedly): A tree house?
Ram(confirming it): Yes. A tree house.
Priya: Let's go.
Ram: No. Wait let them come down.
Priya whined in frustration.
Ram: Some more minutes Priya. Please.
Priya: Okay we'll wait. It's beautiful Ram. It's like we're not in our world, we're somewhere else. Ahhhh! Mother Nature.
Ram: We certainly are somewhere else. Far from Mumbai's concrete jungle, where only peace dwells.
The servers came down.
One server(with a smile): Sir we've placed all the luggage and here's your key. Have a lovely stay Ma'am.
Priya: Thank you.
They left.
Ram: Okay let's go.
Priya was almost jumping.
Ram: Carefully. The stairs are wet due to the rain.
Priya: Yeah yeah.
They went upstairs. Ram handed Priya the card,
Ram: Open it.
Priya opened the lock.
Ram: Okay wait.
He suddenly lifted Priya in his arms.
Ram: Now we can go.
Priya: Ram put me down.
Ram ignored her and stepped inside.
Priya: Ram what the....
Her remaining words never came out of her mouth as she was astonished by what was in front of her eyes.

Her remaining words never came out of her mouth as she was astonished by what was in front of her eyes

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