4. I Love You Most Ardently

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Promised you RAYA moments. So here it is. Enjoy...

The drive towards home was very peaceful for them. Priya was feeling very lucky and grateful to have Ram in her life. She closed her eyes and prayed for his well-being. Then she stared at Ram with her love-filled eyes. She had a smile of satisfaction on her face. " Yes! You're going to be the best dad in the future. No doubt on that.", she thought. Ram caught her staring at him. Usually she shifted her gaze whenever he caught her staring at him. But today she didn't.
Ram: Why are you staring at me?
Priya: Huh? So I can't even stare at you now. What is your problem Mr. Kapoor? When you don't get my attention, you throw tantrums at me that I don't even look at you. And now that I'm staring at you usse bhi aapko problem hai. What is this behavior?
Ram chuckled at her rant.
Ram: No. I meant what are you thinking while you are staring at me like that.
Priya: Oh! I'm not telling you that.
Ram: Okay.
Priya: You know one thing, I never expected Ishaan to behave this maturely. The level of understanding I show in him today blew my mind.
Ram: I think it's genetic Priya.
Priya: what?
Ram: Look you all are like that. You, Sara di, Sandy you all are very mature and you all think practically, mostly unbiased. Maitri ka I don't know much.
But you all got it from Meera ma. So I think naturally Ishaan got that from Sara di. And that impulsive nature we saw that day is learned from Varun. He wasn't gonna jump that day. He just wanted to prove his point and make amends to us. It's what Varun did today. It's a pattern Priya.
Priya: Wow! What an analysis! Yes. It is possible. You've started to think differently I'm noticing.
Ram: Yeah...this case Priya and the situation is making me think differently. And your influence on me is what making me think practically. So credit goes to you.
Priya: Thank you my dear husband.
Ram blushed listening to her. He pulled her right cheek softly.
Ram: You're becoming more adorable day by day Mrs. Kapoor.
Priya blushed profusely.
To change the topic she asked,
Priya: Aren't you going to play songs today?
Ram: Wow! Looks like someone started liking our drives with music.
Priya: Yeah! I like it now. It has kind of become our thing.
Ram gave a satisfactory smile to her and turned on the music system. He chose the song "Sukoon mila" from Mary Kom.
Priya listening to the lyrics smiled at Ram. She took his left hand in between her hands and placed a soft kiss in his knuckles.
Ram smiled widely seeing her antics.
They listened to the whole song occasionally staring at each other.
The song ended.
Ram: Now it's your turn. Choose a song Mrs. Kapoor.
Priya thought for a moment. Then played the song " Kho gaye hum kaha" from Baar Baar Dekho.
Just listening to the starting tune brought a huge smile on Ram's face.
Ram: Priya yaar! Tum deewana karke rahogi mujhe. This song is one of my favorites. Thank you.
Priya: I'm glad you loved it.
She smiled at him gleefully.
Ram in a swift motion pulled Priya towards him and gave her a gentle peck on her lips then again pushed her softly back to her seat.
Priya was dazed for some moments. Then she gathered herself, blushing.
Priya: Ram please drive carefully.
Ram: Arreeyyy I'm I'm. I'm being careful. It's just that I can't control myself when you do something like this. I feel blessed to have you in my life.
Priya stared at him for a moment then averted her eyes, smiling.
Priya: The feeling is mutual Ram.
Ram smiled at her and nodded.
Soon they reached home. It was 10:15pm. They straightly went to their room, freshened up and got changed into their night wear. Tarun brought dinner. They had it chatting about random stuff.
After dinner, Priya came out of the washroom and Ram standing near bed with his phone in hand watching something with utmost concentration. Priya went near him and hugged him tightly.
Ram too hugged her while brushing her hair with his fingers and placed a soft kiss in her hair.
Ram: What happened?
Priya: Nothing. Just wanted to be like this.
He understood and kissed the side of her head. She hummed feeling blessed.
She got out of hug and placed her hands in the back of his head. Ram also pulled her by waist.
She looked at him intently. Then suddenly she took his lips into the most soft, gentle, soulful kiss ever. Ram was surprised at first because she rarely initiated a kiss. But reciprocated quickly with the same intensity. Their lips complimented each other in the best way. Both felt loved, cared and wanted in that kiss. It was special.
Priya' right hand was in Ram's soft curls caressing him, bringing him closer to her. Ram brought his left hand to her left cheek, touching it, feeling the smoothness. He kissed her more deeply with all his love and care for her. She was smelling like a garden of fresh roses. His new favorite scent.
They ended the kiss feeling breathless and touched their foreheads together calming their racing hearts.
Just then Ram's phone rang making him irritated.
Ram: Urrrgghhhhhh! Whyyy?
Of course it was Adi.
Priya: Adi. Knew it. You know you should've married him instead of me.
She gave him a teasing look. Ram looked at her annoyed because of the disturbance.
Ram: I'm sorry Priya. I'll be back in 5 mins. His kissed her forehead and went to attend the call.
Priya went to fold his blazer and found the share-transfer paper in his pocket. She read it again. And this time she felt an immense pain in her heart and made her stiff.
Ram came back and hugged her from behind and instantly felt that something happened. He saw the paper in her hand.
Ram: Priya! What happened?
That brought her back into the world. She quickly composed herself.
Priya: Nothing. Nothing happened.
She tried to convince him. She gave the paper to him and went to sit on the bed. Ram placed the paper safely in the drawer. He went to his side and sat beside her taking her in his arms securely.
Ram: No something definitely happened. You're upset. You were happy just 5 mins ago Priya. You can't convince me like this. Tell me what happened.
He secured her locks behind her ears and held her face between his hands.
Her eyes were sad.
Ram: Take your time.
Priya took a deep breath.
Priya: It's either dad or me. You could never have both of us together in your life.
This made Ram puzzled. He couldn't understand her thought process.
Ram: What are you trying to say Priya? I don't understand.
Priya: I'm here with you right now because dad died Ram. If he was here with you right now I wouldn't be here.
Ram was still clueless. So Priya decided to continue,
Priya: Ram Vedika's father wanted everything to be on your name. You know what that means. Dad would have met me as Priya Sood not as Priya Kapoor because Akki and Shivi are together.
Finally Ram understood her inner turmoil. He looked at her speechless.
Priya: I know that you know whatever I said is true. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you this. But Ram I still wish that dad was here with you. You wouldn't have to go through the pain and heartbreak you went through.
Ram could see her saying this with utmost sincerity. Her eyes confirmed it.
Priya: I'm not telling to choose between us. Trust me I'm not. This thought came to my mind. That's it. I know I'm overthinking.
Ram: Oh! Priya...I'm so sorry you felt this way. I know you'll never want me to choose. And I can't choose between you both.
Priya nodded.
Ram: But one thing I want to tell you today. Yes Vedika and I were together for 5 years. Yes I loved her. But when we were together marriage was something that never came to my mind. I was focusing on my career. And yes I wanted her to be with me. And it did break my heart when she left me. It caused me pain until you came to my life. Ha thi hamari shaadi samjhote wali. Ab nahi hai. We both love each other. When she left me Priya I could make others laugh, I started binging on food to stay happy. But when you told me to think about us yesterday all I felt was pain. Just the thought of you leaving me breaks my heart into pieces. And I know nothing in this world can ease the pain. I know I can't live without you. I know I don't want to live without you. You are my lifeline Priya.
He paused for a moment. He controlled his tears from falling.
Ram: Whenever I think about marriage, wife, life partner...your face is the only one that comes to my mind Priya. Because I never thought about Vedika that way, never planned a future with her. It's only you Priya. It has always been you. You are my wife and my everything. Never doubt that. Whenever I think about our wedding You in that red Saree looking heavenly beautiful comes in my mind. Yup you looked drop dead gorgeous my love with that expression, "should I marry him or vag loon abhi yaha se". No one has ever made feel the way you make me feel. Your one smile makes me go weak on my knees, your happiness makes my heart flutter with joy, your presence makes my life meaningful and blessed. You've bewitched me body and soul. I love you Priya most ardently.
Priya giggled listening to the last sentences.
Priya(smiling): 'Pride and prejudice' Mr. Kapoor? Nice one. I love you more. I know how you feel. To be honest I don't know why am I thinking like this. I'm sorry.
Ram: It's okay Priya. You know you can share anything with me.
He kissed her nose soundedly. Priya kissed both of his cheeks. Ram caressed her face and placed a soulful kiss on her face. Priya melted in his touch.
Priya: I know.
Ram: Past is past Priya. We're living in the present. We need to accept our past so that we can concentrate on now and build a future together. We need to stop our past influencing our present and future. I'm here with you and you're here with me. That's the thing that should matter to us. Do you understand?
Priya nodded with a smile.
Ram: Okay you seem very tired. Let's call it a night. Also I have a 9am meeting tomorrow. Let's sleep.
Priya: Okay.
They lied down cuddling each other. Ram caressed Priya's back in order to comfort her. Soon they slept peacefully in each others embrace.

Hope you liked the chapter. If you did please let me know.

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